Chapter 40

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We walked quickly down the road, en route to the food bank. I kept close to Gabriel's side, making sure he wasn't planning to run soon. I 100% do not trust this guy yet. He's done something bad, something he regrets. I know it.

"Rick." I hear Bob call my name and turn back to look at him. "Can I talk to you for a second?" I slow my pace to let him catch up, and begin walking by his side, keeping my gaze strictly on Gabriel.

"You got to keep ahold of yourself. You can't lose your humanity now. Not during this. We just need to be patient. Eugene will soon get to D.C., and he's gonna fix this world." I shook my head.

"It's not going to work. " I said. I don't trust it, any of it. "There's always a catch."

"Can you at least keep hope, though?" Sasha sais. I turned to my other side to look at her. "This group is losing all hope in this world now. We've already seen the outcome of one who has." When she said that my mind instantly went to Sam. "We can't give up now." I opened my mouth to respond, when my eyes caught sight of where we were. The town.


I sat on the steps in front of the altar, while Michonne wandered the building, in search of anything that could be of use. My eyes constantly switched from my hands to Sam. She looked dead on the bench she was sleeping on, and I went to check a couple times to make sure she wasn't. She's becoming weaker and weaker, and I know if it continues it won't end well for her...

"Carl." My head snapped over to look at Michonne, who was staring down at me. "You okay? You haven't been looking yourself since we got here." I shook my head, a little harder than I probably should've.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Michonne gave me a skeptical look, and sat next to me.

"You're scared for her, I get it. You can't seem to get her out of your mine because you really never know when she might break, or when she might heal." I turned my head, and looked down to my hands, not responding to Michonne.

"She's going to be okay, Carl. It doesn't look like it now, but that girl it gonna pick herself up and conquer this world." I looked up, and turned my head to Michonne.

"You really think so?" I asked

"I promise." She smiled, and patted my back. I smiled back, and stood up. "I'm gonna go check around outside for anything. I'll be back soon." Michonne nodded, and before I exited outside, I turned back to her. "And thank you." She grinned, and stood up, and moved to a different room.

I walked down the porch steps of the chruch, and turned to walk along the side. I walked close to the walls, slightly observing them as I strolled down. Something caught my eye as I walked. I jogged down to a window of the church, and looked at the shutters. Deep markings had been scattered all across them, and most of the paint was off. I pulled slightly on them, and they were becoming slightly loose.

Had someone tried to get in?

I looked to the right of the window, when a small carving was left in the siding.

'You'll burn for this'

* * *

My dad returned in an hour and a half of him leaving. They had come back with plenty of food for us, enough to keep us going. But, I knew the trip had not made my dad like Gabriel any more than before.

As soon as all the food was in, I pulled my dad over to show him the carving on the outside siding. His face became stern, and slightly worried, but he covered it, and took me back inside, telling me it was getting too dark, and that he'd talk to Gabriel later about it.

The group was sat in a circle as we walked back in, and Abraham was holding a toast to everyone. My dad and I walked over to the group, and sat on the steps of the altar.

"Now that everything is beginning to look bright again," Abraham begins, "I would like you have to know the urgency I have to have you all accompany Eugene, Rosita and I to D.C." The group goes silent, and I can tell some do not want to talk about this right now.

"D.C. has and infrastructure that can withstand major pandemics. They will bring this world back to normal." Everyone glances to Rick, and Glenn and Michonne whisper to him frantically. After moments, my silences them.

"We're in." Everyone cheers, and smiles are spread everywhere. I try to smile along with the group, but by the look my dad is giving me, I'm now realizing something that I never wanted to.

Sam will not be coming to D.C.

Dun dun dun.

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