Chapter 36

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I'm bringing sexy back.

We've all been stuck in this train cart for three days now. During the time, we've started making weapons out of the wood in the supports. Michonne made peep holes throught out the cart, so we could see when the people from Terminus were coming for us.

Carl will barely talk to me. In fact, he doesn't. Whenever I ask him something, he just glances at me and gives the shortest answer he can before he continues to ignore me more. He's bother by something, and I'm almost positive it has to do with Ryan.


I know he's gone: I've accepted that. But, it still hurts though just to know that he is... gone. Whenever someone asks me how I'm doing, or how I feel, I can't help but just think of him. Ryan helped me through so much, a lot I never even realized, and I did nothig in return. And now he's gone.

The new people are interesting... Abraham isn't bad at all, and can definitely fend for himself, along with Espinosa. They're strong, and that will help us. Eugene is the one that caught my attention though. Rick told me that this middle aged, defenseless man has the key for all of this. And how to stop it, and return it to normal. Which mean s we must head to Washington. Let's just hope it works...

* *

I sat in the corner of the train cart, working on a knife I was carving out from some of the support wood. Sasha was sitting next to me, working on her own type of weapon. I rubbed the blade of my wooden knife across the metal ground, hopefully making it sharper.

I laid the knife on my lap, and look up at everyone else. They all sat by different walls, working, looking through the various peep holes, or talking to each other. Carl was sitting across from me, looking at his own weapon next to him. He glanced up at me, then quickly back down. I don't even bother with a conversation. He won't try to continue it. Sasha looked over at me, then Carl, then back to me and sighed,

"Alright, what is it with you two?" She asked both of us. Carl didn't even look up. I shrugged and looked back down.

"You two have barely talked in the last three days. Something is going on." She stated, pushing more into her question.

"Why don't you ask the one giving the silent treatment?" I questioned. Carl glared at me, his piercing sharp blue eyes digging into me.

"I didn't start this. You're the one who brought him along in the first place."

"So this is about Ryan?" I asked. Anger began flooding my senses. How could he be mad at me Ryan's death? Why does he even care?

"Yes, and the fact that you almost gave up for life for someone who has done nothing to help us."

"He helped me, Carl! He helped me through so much and you don't get that!"

"He's done nothing for you." He scoffed.

"Yes he has."

"Like what?" His voice mocked the question.

"He was there every time you weren't, and there were a lot." Carl's face changed, and I could tell that my words had hurt him. I instantly felt the urge to apologize, but I fought it, and looked away to make the urge less strong. Michonne's voice cut through the silence now filling the train cart.

"They're coming." Everyone's head turned to Michonne. We all stood up, grasping our hand made weapons in our hands, ready to attack.

"Aim for the eyes." Rick informed. We all waited for the train cart door to open, but were taken by surprise when the men climbed up, and opened the cart from the top. They dropped something in, and my head shot down to look at it.

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