Chapter 27

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Carl's POV:

I woke up from the sound of grumbling by me. I looked to the right, to look at my dad, and saw that his hand was moving, just barely. It twitched every few seconds. I moved over, so he was now in front of me. His moans got deeper and louder and he was ever-so slowly moving off the couch.

I pulled out my gun, and weakly aimed it for him. He fell off the couch and came over for me. My head told me to shoot but my heart said to stop. I began crying, and I threw my gun to the side, and leaned back against the couch. "I can't. I cant do it." I cried to my dad, that was still slowly moving towards me. "Just do it. Just bite me."

I opened my eyes back up when the moans became coughs and barely audible speaking came from my dad. "Don't go outside.... stay safe." He collapsed onto his back, and went back into his coma like state. I took his head in my hands and gently set it into my lap. "I'm scared, dad."

"I'm scared."


Sam's POV:

I walked around the empty field that surrounded me. I had slept the night in a tree, since I had no intention of going back to that house. But why? I knew that had done it again. I ran from my problems, instead of fixing them. I'm such an idiot.

I walked along the edge of the forest and the grassy area. It ws really pretty, but I knew I couldn't stay out forever. It isn't safe.

I froze when I heard the sound of a womans cries coming from my right, which ment they were in the forest. I looked over to the sound, and made out the silhouette of a woman standing in an opening, with a katana blade in her hand... wait a minute.

I walked over to the figure that was looking up at the sky. The closer I got, the more recognizable they became. Dreadlocks, dark skin, katana blade. Michonne. It's definitely Michonne. "Michonne!" I yelled out. Her head whipped over to my direction, and I knew she recognized me too.

"Sam?" She called to me. I ran over to her, and wrapped my arms around her waist once I reached her. "You're okay. We're not the only survivors." I said. She hently pushed me away. Her face was shocked and anxious.

"What do you mean we're not the only survivors?" She asked. I gulped. I wasn't going to lie to her. She deserved to know. She deserved to see them. "Uh, yea..." I dragged on. "I found Carl and Rick. They're back at my.. a random house we all eventually ran to-"

She grabbed my forearm, and began dragging me out of the forest from the way I came. "Hey! What are you doing?!" I asked, trying to shrug out of her grasp. "You're taking me to them." I finalky unhooked her hand from my arm, and back up once I was free. She swung around to me, looking annoyed. "I'm not going back."

"Why not?" She asked, angrily. "I got into a fight with Carl, and it was.. bad. He doesn't trust me, and I don't want to spend my time wih people who don't trust me." She walked up to me, and was now in my face. "That's stupid." He stated. "No matter what you guys go through, you stick together. You're safer in a group of people than you are alone. Running away from that will get you killed." I stayed speechless, because everything she said was right. Every word.

She smirk on her face told me she knew she won. "Now come on. We have a house to get to.

"Sam?" Michonne asked me as we walked are long path back. "Where did you come? Before all this happened. What happened to your family?" I kept my look straight. "It doesn't matter. It's all my past." I heard a slight hmmph from her, telling me she didn't like my answer. "I think you're wrong." She argued. "I think you're just trying to ignore it all. It tells me something. Like your life back home wasn't great." I stopped, as so did she. I'm not doing this again. "Yea, maybe you're right. But you have no right to pry into my past. You have no need to know." I stated. I began walking again, her footsteps starting a few paces behind mine. "I'm sorry." She simply answered. I kept walkingndown the path, and the rest of the way we were silent.

Carl's POV:

I sat next to my dad on the ground, as we both ate a bowl of cereal. "So she just ran?" My dad asked. My stomach hurt at the question. I hope she's coming back. "Yea. I tried to stop her, but-"

"I understand." My dad cut in. We were silent for a few moments, before he asked a heart - wrenching question. "You want her back, don't you?" I out my head on my knees. "More than anything." I answered.

I was startled as banging began on the front door. My dad and I jumped up from where we were. I stayed back, gun pointed at the door as my dad slowly walked over, peeking through the peephole to see who it is. When he backed up, he began laughing with joy. "What is it?" I asked.

"It's for you."

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