Chapter 38

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I'm writing the last chapters in Carl's POV also (As in 36 and 37). I know it was a little confusing but it will all make sense when you read it from his perspective, I'm sure.

Enjoy :)


I stared blankly at the ground as the train cart stayed almost dead silent, like it has been for the past three days now. We are worried about what will happen, I know we all are. No one will just admit it though.

I looked around myself, seeing what everyone was doing, when my eyes fell on Sam. I quickly looked away. I can't look at her for too long now, not anymore. Not without crying.

Sasha said it was a type of catatonic state possibly. She just... forgot how to function, in a way. Her mind has been filled with so many hallucinations, so many where it basically stopped her.

She can't function without "them" coming along, sounding as if they were trying to destroy her. Looking at her now, it just drives me insane. Knowing that she's going through this... and I can only watch.

Sasha and my dad helped me keep my mind sane. Sasha reassured me so many times that it wouldn't be permanent, that she would work through it. My dad helped keep my mind off her mostly. But the longer this goes, the more I think of her.


Sasha came over and took a seat next to me. My eyes were kept in any direction except towards Sam. "Listen, I know you're hurting, she probably is, too. You've just got to give it some time."

"I know but how much time?" My voice sounded desperate. She sighed, and took a long moment before she answered. "Anytime for an hour, to half a year." Sasha turned and put her hand on my knee. "Carl, you know Sam is strong, so does everyone else. She's going to get through it." I looked down. "I hope..." She brushed her hand against my hair and stood up. "Try to keep your mind off of it, it'll only help." She said before walking over to my dad.

I'm getting better at this whole "eye avoidance" thing with Sam.

"They're coming." Everyone went silent at Michonne's words. I stood up, my legs slightly shaky but stable. I grasped my wooden weapong tightly, waiting for the Termites to burst open the door. "Aim for the eyes." My dad siad. All of us stayed crowded around the door. But it never opened.

Instead the Termites tooks us by surprise my opening the top. one of them dropped something in, and quickly moved away. i looked down to see what the object was. A smoke bomb.

"Move!" Abraham shouted to all of us. We shoved ourselves against the  walls of the cart, and were pushed even more by force of the bomb. My coughs began coming from most of us. I turned to look around me, but I was violently shoved against the wall by another person before I could look, I turned my head slightly. It was one of the Termites.

"Don't squirm or you'll regret it."  The man holding me said stermly. I kept still until the man let go. "Point the guns to the entrance so they don't try to run." A voice said from outside. It sounded like Gareth. They did as commanded until the door was quickly shut.

"THey took Rick, Daryl, Bob, and Glenn." Michone said, looking around all of us. "Where are they taking them?" MIchone shrugged. "I have no idea."

Sasha rushed past me, and walked over to Sam, I looked over. Sam was holding her head. Blood barely showed between her fingers. Was she hit? "You're bleeding." Sasha said, her voice scared. "What happened." Sam just shrugged. I walked voer to her. "You should probably sit down." I gently pushed  on her shoulder, supporting her as she sat down. She slowly slid down the wall, and dropped her hand from her wound. The wound was a small cut, and wasn't bleeding too much, which made me more relieved.

"It's minor." I said. "Good, it should heal quickly then." Sasha sighed. Sighing seems to have become a common thing around here...

Sasha pulled her jacket off and handed it to me. "Keep this on it until the bleeding stops. Make sure her hair doesnt get matted in it." I grabbed the jacket and nodded. I brushed her blood-stained hair away from her laceration, and held the cloth jacket to it. SHe slightly flinched, but stayed still once she got used to it.

I tried directing my eyes anywhere but her. I did pretty well, until I relented and caught a gaze of her eyes. Her sparkling blue eyes, with a small shade of grey in them. Her eyes gave me hope. Not because I could see them, of for how they were. They gave me hope because they were the only thing of Sam that still held hope. It's my only way of knowing that she's still fighting.

I pressed my lips gently to her cheek, and brushed her hair with my free hand.

Stay strong Sam... for me.

I laid my head on her shoulder for a while, and for a moment, I could feel her hand slightly on my back. I smiled, before the huge wave of pain rushed over me.

A loud explosion sounded from outside. Everyone froze. "What was that?" Sasha asked, her voice trembled with fear. No one answered her, just checked out through the peep holes, untill the all too familiar sound erupted from around us.


"The fence probably caved in from the walkers." I stood up. Voices outside began yelling, and gunshots were fired that surrounded like they were right in front of us. I found one of the open peepholes and tried to look out, but couldn't see anything.

I whipped my head to the cart entrance when the door suddenly began to open. I looked out. It was all four of them. "Come on we've got to get out of here!" Rick yelled into the train cart. I turned to Sam. She was still on the ground, her eyes looking at all of us. I ran over to here. "Sam, come on, we've got to go. We can get out of here!" Here eyes just stared into mine. "Please, we need to go." Her eyes looked away, then back to me, and she nodded. She slowly stood up, and I grabbed her hand, pulling her out with me.

The area had become infested with walkers, and fire was sprawled in different places. "Were getting out of here!" Daryl yelled to us, we all ran over to the edge of the fence, walkers not to far away from us. Abraham lifted us all up one by one, before he quickly jumped over the fence. As we barely dodging the grasp of the walkers now surrounding the edge of the fence, we all ran into the woods, away from Terminus.

My dad lead us far into the woods, and went back to where we had buried the remaining weapons. "Take some of these weapons. We need to spread ourselves along the fence, and make sure we take out everyone still in there. They do not get to live."

"Rick, you've got to be kidding me." Glenn argued. "We can't go back there, fer God's sake, the place is on fire!" Most of us just stared at my dad, baffled by his absurdness. ''Look, they're either running from that place or dying, and we don't need to worry about that. We just need to get the hell out of this place quickly." He looked up to argue back with Glenn, but didn't when the sound of leaves crunching sounded from behind us. All of us turned our head to see who it was.


Daryl slowly stumbled forward, before he went into a full on run towards Carol, hugging her so tightly. My dad stood up and walked over to her. "Y-you did that?" His voice was barely audible, and weak. She nodded, before Rick pulled her into a hug.She looked on the verge of tears. "We can talk later. Right now, you guys need to see some people." Carol lead us out of the woods, onto a dirt road, that lead to a small cabin on the edge of the woods. Tyreese stood outside of it, holding a small baby in his arms. Judith.

I ran fast over to Tyreese, my dad right behind. I took Judith into my own arms, smiling from happiness. After everything me and my dad went through, I thought we'd never see her again.

I handed Judith to my dad, and he hugged her tightly. I kept smiling, and turned back to the group. Carol was standing by Sam. I walked over to them. "This poor girl." Carol said. I slightly frowned. "She's fighting." I sighed.

Suddenly, Sam's head shot up, and she turned around quickly. "Sam?" I said to her. "Are you okay...?" I put my hand on her shoulder, and she flinched and turned around, looking straight at me. Her eyes were different. They weren't they same eyes holding hope anymore.

They were eyes holding fear.

Ayyy lmao sorry I suck at updating. And writing. :P

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