Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Sam's POV:

I was awakened by Carl shaking my shoulder. "Sam, wake up, Sam." I looked over at him. "Someone was very tired today. It's almost  8 p.m. you completely missed out on dinner." He sat down on the edge of my bed.

"I was asleep for that long?" I asked. I guess I didn't realize how tired I was. "I would of saved you some if I knew you weren't gonna come to dinner." He said. I looked up at him.  "Don't worry about it Carl, I'll be fine. I wasn't that hungry anyways." Carl went to grab something out of his pocket. "Well, I grabbed a couple of granola bars if you want them later." he handed them to me. When I grabbed them, I saw he had a huge cut across his hand. "What happened?" I asked. I grabbed his hand to look at the cut better. "Oh, um... I accidentally cut myself when I was on walker duty. I'm fine." He said. I shook my head. "Let me wrap this up for you." I set his hand down on my lap, and opened my first drawer. I had a little bit of bandage wrap left. I took it out and started wrapping his hand up. We hadn't said anything during the process. when I was finished, I threw the wrap back into my drawer and shut it. I looked up to find his eyes staring straight at me. He looked away quickly.

"Umm..." He stuttered. "Thanks."

I noticed I was still holding his hand. We hand interlocked our fingers.  I looked up at him.

"Your welcome." We stared at each other for a moment. "Carl?" I asked. "Your.. Your mom, she's dead, isn't she?" He looked down. "Yea... yea, she is."

"I'm sorry." I felt bad for him. The only way I thought of comforting him was to hug him. I suck at these situations. I told myself.

"What about you?" He asked. "Your parents, are they dead?" His question startled me. We stopped hugging. "I don't know where my parents are, or if they're alive or not." I looked down at my hands and pushed my back against the wall. "I ran away when... THIS happened." He scooted over to his right by me. "Why'd you run away?" He asked. "Why didn't you stay with them."

"I.." I wasn't sure if I should tell him. But then again, Carl's is probably the only one I could be open with. I trusted him. "I was abused. By my dad."

"And your mom?"

"She didn't care about me." I was starting to get kind of tense. I felt like I was going to cry. I held it back though. A tear did roll down my cheek though, no matter how hard I tried to hold back the tears.

"Don't cry, Sam." Carl put his hand on my cheek and wiped the tear away. I Looked up at him, tears now welled up in my eyes. "We've all been through hard things, I can't imagine how hard this has been on you." We got closer. "Just look at me, and don't cry..." and slowly we pressed our lips together. It was quick, yet passionate. I looked at him, then quickly changed my glare to my hands. He opened me to a hug. "Get some sleep, Sam." He let me go, stood up, and headed for the exit. "I'll see you tomorrow morning. Goodnight, Sam."

"Goodnight, Carl." Then he left to his cell. I fell back onto my bed. I didn't know what to think. I was lost in all of it, of what had just happened. It washed over me and left the butterflies in my stomach. Then my butterflies turn into a knot. What would his dad think? What if this turned into something more? I also punished myself in my thoughts. This is the zombie apocalypse, how dare I let myself slip away so easily into his grip. Stop it Sammy! I told myself You're being absolutely ridiculous. Calm down. My thought were now out of my control though, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

                                                                                        THE NEXT DAY

I woke up with Carol shaking my shoulder. I kept my gun on me today, because of the incident with the fence yesterday, you never know what could happen if the fence finally did give out. I decided to skip breakfast today. I would've been late anyways, so there would be little to none left for me.

I climbed to the top of the prison today, I just noticed how big this place is. It had to be at least an acre, if not, more. I loved being able to see everything and everyone. I saw Glenn and Daryl heading to tower C, probably for the afternoon shifts. I saw Michonne over by her horse, tending it, making sure she was alright. I searched for Carl, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I went back down and in to the prison to see if he was there. When I reached cell block C, I overheard some people talking. I recognized the voices. It was Rick and Carl.

"Do you trust her Carl?"

"Yes. Dad, like I've told you before, she isn't dangerous. Stop worrying about her. I've been watching her like I promised."

"Keep watching her."

"Okay dad."

He's been spying on me? This whole time of him wanting to be around me, was just for his dad? I was furious. I ran out if there, slamming the door behind me. I couldn't believe myself. I was right. I was stupid for letting myself in his grip! I heard the door of the prison open and I started running. I ran towards the exit, and I quickly climbed over the fence

"Sam!" It was Carl who yelled my name. I looked back. He was right at the gate. Tears started rolling down my cheeks, and then I quickly disappeared into the dark forest that was surrounding the prison.

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