Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Sams POV:

We walked down the streets for awhile. They place was empty, it wasn't useful anymore, I figured. I hated the entire search. It was like walking down nightmare memory lane. I dreaded the entire time. "Sam." Ryan nudged my shoulder, making me look up. "You want to check that place out?" He pointed over to a small restaurant on the side of the road. I shuddered looking at it. Jo Jo's Restaurant and Bar. My dad went there all the time. Never, not even once, did he come back sober.

"Well?" Ryan pushed. I nodded slowly. "Sure." We walked up the wood stairs, and pushed the door open. Chairs were stacked up, except in the middle, where they had toppled over, and were now on top of a walker. I pulled out my knife. "What are you-"

"Killing it." He looked at me strangely. "Why?" I leaned down to it. "You think it deserves to live like this?" He stayed silent after that. I took the knife, and stabbed it right in the head. I turned to the door. "Let's just go. The place is useless." I wasn't staying to check it. The shelves were cleared, along with the tables and kitchen. "Yea, let's go." He closedthe door behind us, and we continued down the all too - familiar road. We were getting closer, I knew it.

"Why are you being so skittish and silent?" Ryan asked. "Did I say something wrong? Or are you usually like this?" I looked over at him. He looked angry, in way way. "I'm not being skittish." I argued. "Yes you are Sam. I swear, it like every place we go, you're always wide-eyed, and frightened." We were now stopped in the middle of the road, arguing. "Aren't you also?" I contemplated. "I'm trying to stay alert and make sure nothing pops out at us, because I don't know about you, but I would like to stay alive." He shook his head at me. "No, that isn't all of the truth.  You're hiding something else, and I don't get why. It's completely obvious, Sam. You can't fool me."

I turned on my heel, and continued walking. Like hell I'm telling him. I heard his furious stomping behind me. "You can't hide it forever Sam!" I turned sharply, and almost ended up knocking heads with him. "You're right, Ryan. I can't keep this from you forever. But I'm going to try to keep it hidden for as long as I possibly can, because last time I told someone my secrets, I lost them! I loved that person, and I fucking lost them, Ryan!" I niw felt the tears streaming down my face. I backed up, and wiped them off. "Sam, I-"

"Don't." I put my hand up to motion him to stop talking. "Let's just... continue." I turned and continued down the path.

We were silent for the longest time. I was getting more nervous the closer we got. I know I said I'd try to keep it from him for as long as I could, but honestly, once we reach it, I don't think I'll be able to anymore.

"Come on. " He said, barely audible. He cut across me. "Might as well check this place." My head shot up when he finished. We were here.

We were at my house.


Carl's POV:

I tied the door shut with some thick, rubber rope that I had hooked onto a hangar. "That won't hold." My dad said. I turned to face him. "It's a strong double square knot. Shane taught it to me. Remember him?" He looked down, telling me I had gone too far, yet again. "Yea." He nodded. "I remember him every damn day." He pushed the tan couch towards the door. "We don't-"

"Just in case, Carl." He interrupted. I rolled my eyes and helped him move the couch so it pressed against the door. "I'll be right back." He said. He walked up the stairs, and was out of sight. I was asleep before he came back.


I woke up the next day on the stiff floorboards. I fell out of the matress I laid on the floor for me. Great. I stood up and instantly felt sore in my back from lying on the hard surface. I looked to the sofa, where my dad was still sleeping.

I walked to the kitchen, and pulled out a box of cereal. I poured myself a bowl. I turned to out it back, but paused. I sighed when I turned around, and poured another bowl for my dad.

I headed upstairs to check out the rest of the rooms. There were three upstairs. The first one I checked was the master bedroom. It had been completely trashed, and messed up. I noticed and peculiar object lying on the ground. A dead bird. I shivered at the dead animal, which made me wonder about other ones. What has happened to all the animals?

I turned out of the room, and checked the next one. It seemed to be for a boy, or a girl, I couldn't quite tell. The room definitely was every boys dream though. a big flat screen TV and xbox laid on top of a black dresser. Awesome. Two beds occupied the room. One covered with bright yellow sheets, and the other covered with dark blue. Maybe it was shared by a brother and sister? I don't know. As I left the room, I noticed two names on the door. Sam and Jason. No. This couldn't be her house, could it?

I walked down the stairs, and realized I hadn't checked the third room. Whatever. I thought. I'll check it later.

I walked back into the living room, where my dad was still sleeping. I walked over to him. "Dad, wake up." He didn't move. "Wake up. Dad.." Still no movement. He couldn't be... "Dad? Wake up!" I continously shook him. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" No, no, no. He can't die.

I was startled by the pounding that began on the front door. Crap, walkers. I stood up and walked out the back door, and around, making sure they didn't notice me. I walked up behind them, and pulled out my gun, but then set it back in the holster. I need to get them away first.

"Hey walkers!" I yelled at them. They turned to me. "Fresh meat, right here." I began backing up as they came after me. "Yep, keep on coming." I taunted them. They were now far away from the house, and I began pulling out my gun again. Until I felt the cold, bony hand on my shoulder.

Sam's POV:

I slowly walked up the sidewalk. I didn't think we'd reach it this fast. "Crap." I heard Ryan say. He kept trying to open the door. "It won't open."

"Try the-" I stopped when I heard gunshots coming from the left. Three,, no, now four of them. "What the..?" I ran over to the sound. "Sam, wait!" I continued running to the sound, and stopped straight in my tracks when I saw the brown-haired boy with a sheriff's hat, facing a pile of three dead walkers.


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