Chapter 13

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I got up to my feet slowly.  My knees still hurt a lot from being inactive for so long "Hershel, take care of him please." Rick grabbed my hand and we were out of cell block C, and in the hallway very quickly.

"Rick, who are you taking me to?" He turned around and grabbed both my wrist. "The person who we both know did this to you." He lifted my wrist to my eyes. " The person who shot my son. Who shot your friend." We kept walking, anger slowly rising with every step I took. He will pay.

We were soon to Cell block A. The place where we kept most the medication and stuff for the injured,  was now only filled with me, Rick, Daryl, some guys groaning in pain, and his presence. Rick took me over to his cell.

"He's the one, right" You could hear the uneveness in Ricks voice. "The one who tortured you?" The governor looked up at me, the look he had on his face disgusted me. He looked like he was guilty, looking for some kind of forgiveness.

"Take him out." I backed up and turned away. I thought for a moment, if I'd really go through with this. When I turned around,  he was in front of me, hands behind him. I pulled out my knife. "Pin his arms out." Daryl and Rick grabbed one arm, Daryl the other, and had him up against a wall.

My dark side came out of me. The one thing I wish I would be able to hide from them, was now visible. And I could no longer control it.

"This scene looks somewhat familiar." I commented. "You had two guys hold me down, and you were over me. What else did you do?" I asked luke I forgot. "Oh, that's right." I rolled up one of his sleeves. and took my knife to his skin. "You cut me until I fell unconscious, right?" I cut him three times.

But that's all I could do, cause by the third one, he finally screamed in pain and agony. I couldn't keep going. The darkness came out of me. I dropped my knife.

"Sam, what's wrong?" Rick asked me. I looked up at all three of them in complete fright and shock. I look down at my right hand, which was covered in his blood.

"I... I can't." I ran out of there as fast as my now weakened legs could carry me. I needed peace, and calmness, that was some where in the prison. I needed Carl. I ran back to Cell bock C, to Carl's cell. Hershel wasn't there anymore, and Carl's arm was wrapped up nicely. "Hey, Sam." He smiled at me. I went inside and crawled over to sit on his bed. He could tell I had been running. "Where did you come from?"

"Cell Block A." He looked at me confused. "Why were-"

"Your dad. He wants me to kill the governor. I thought... I thought I could do it but..." Tears now streamed down my cheeks. He moved over to me, and wiped them away. His hands were nice and warm. "You'll be okay, Sam." I looked over at him. We were so close. I could almost feel the energy between us. I gave in and kissed him. Our kisses were so nice and wonderful. They always seemed to mean something to me. He brought me into a hug. I buried my face in his shoulder. We stayed there for what felt like forever, until we heard someone in the doorway.

Daryl was watching us embrace each other. I quickly pulled away when I noticed him in the doorway, my cheeks turning a bright pink. Daryl chuckled.  "Come on you two love birds. Dinner's ready." Daryl turned around and we soon followed. Daryl nugged my shoulder as we walked out, and gave me a michevious smile. I rolled my eyes and he slightly laughed at my reaction.

I was happy to be eating in the pavilion again. The feeling of isolation was completely awful. When Carol saw me, she ran over to me and gave me a huge hug. "Oh god, Sam. I'm so glad your okay hun." I hugged her tight. Carol was such a mom to me. She made me feel safe in her presence... sometimes.

I sat in between Carl and Daryl. This dinner was awkward though. No one really said anything, and something told me it had to do with the governor. Carl noticed it too, same with Beth, who was feeding Judith. Rick looked around, mumbled something, then slammed his fist on the table and stood up. Daryl grabbed his arm.

"Rick would you stop worrying about it? We can take them." Rick shrugged his grasp off and walked away to the prison. I looked over at Daryl. "We can take who, Daryl?" He looked at me. He realized he wasn't supposed to bring, what ever this is, up. "Don't worry, Sam. We'll be fine. " I got angry. I was sick of that answer.

"No, Daryl. Give me a legitimate answer. Who is coming?" He thought for a moment. "Our uh.. little friend in there." He pointed at the prison.  He was talking about the governor. "He has an army. A new one. And they're coming to get their leader back. " This kind of scared me. We didn't know how strong they were, or how many of them there were. I never thought of something like this happening. "Are we prepared?" Daryl didn't answer me. That showed me one thing. We were not prepared.... I prayed to god that I was wrong though.

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