Chapter 45

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60 miles left. No food. No water. No running car. Nothing.

But hey, people were talking now.

I walked behind most everyone. Gabriel was the closest one to me, but he was a few yards in front. Michonne and Sasha walked far behind all of us, and were closer to the small group of walkers trailing behind then to the group.

I still haven't told Rick. I still don't know how to. How do you even approach that? Hey, um just so you know the reason I went all wierdo on the group is because I wasn't taking these pills that I've been hiding from you ever since the beginning. But oh well,  I'm fine for now. Yeah, that would go over well.

Or not.

Carl didn't talk to me; wouldn't walk by me. I kind of expected it, and I know it will stay this way until I tell Rick. Until then, I had my time to figure out the correct way to tell him...

Gabriel came up next to me, and my mind already prepared itself for the bullshit it was about to hear. "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." I looked at the priest with menacing eyes. "What are you doing?" I asked him. He looked over at me, his eyes searching for something.

"I know you're hurt. I know these times haven't gone the way you wanted. But there's always light somewhere, Sam. There's always somewhere or someone you can reach out to, to help you find that light. Everyone can find it. For me, I find it in the bible, in the church, in my prayers. You can, too." I continued to stare at him. I could tell my stare began to discourage him, and he looked down. "Just think about it, okay?" He slowed his pace, and began to walk behind me again.

We continued down the street, all of us slowly losing pace from dehydration and exhaustion. I look in the side pocket of the bag I carried, and checked how many pills I had left. 9. 9 days until I run out. We will find a place by then, right?

As we walked, we soon came across a small herd of the walkers. They came closer, slowly, but soon they were almost to Rick, who stood in front. We all were still, not moving an inch. When the walker finally reached Rick, he grabbed him by the neck, throwing him to the side, off the road, and down the steep hill. Abraham and Tara began to d the same, throwing the walkers off of them, down the hill to there deaths. To be perfectly honest, it was a funny sight.

Then Sasha stepped in. Not following the same idea, Sasha stepped straight in, stabbing the first on she could get to straight in the head. They began to get closer, and soon the whole 'throwing them off' plan had to be evacuated. we all began attacking the walkers, using the last bit of energy left in our bodies.

I attacked one that was close to getting Tara, stabbing it in the back of the head, and letting it fall to the ground. When I turned to hit another one, a sharp pain went across my arm. Sasha had turned to close, and her knife sliced a thin line across the top of my arm. It wasn't big, but it definitely hurt like Hell. She stared at me with an evil glare, before continuing on and killing more of the walkers. She was rushed and messy in doing so, and was almost bit multiple times before Michonne pushed her out of the way, and killed the last two coming after her. She turned to Sasha.

"Next time, stop, when I tell you to stop." Sasha looked at her angrily, scoffed, and walked off towards the rest of the group. I followed close behind, and we continued our way down the never-ending street.

Not far down the road, however, were 3 cars. They all looked like they had collided with one another, but nothing so bad that would cause injuries. Daryl headed into the forest to check for any survivors, while the rest of us checked the cars, which unfortunately held nothing for use.

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