Chapter 16

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I woke up in a pitch black room and instantly thought to myself, I'm dead, this is heaven. Or hell. Yea, I went to hell. Thoughts bombarded my mind on what happens next, and I was think for what felt like hours. Then lights filled the whole room, making me come to my senses. I am not dead. I looked up and saw a tall man standing in a doorway.

"Oh good. You're awake. I thought you were gonna die from the blood loss." He walked over to me, and my self-defensive personality kicked in. I crawled from the bed, and went under the coffee table in the corner of the room. "It's alright, I won't hurt ya." His voice was soothing, but I stayed on edge. This was not my group. I don't know him. He walked over to the table and kneeled down so he could see me. "Are you hungry? I'll have Ryan send in some food you ya. You're gonna need it." He stood up and walked out.

I sat under there the entire time. I want my group back. I trust them, not these people. The door opening again broke me from my thoughts. A young voice yelled into the hallway. "Larry, she's not in here." I could barely make out the other voice. "Under the table, Ryan." The footsteps were slow, each one making me panic more.

He stopped in the same place Larry stopped, and kneeled down. He looked around my age, probably older. "Hey, I'm Ryan." He smiled at me, but I kept my face emotionless. "Um, I brought some food for you. Larry said you needed to eat. I'd agree." He set the plate down, and slid it. It stopped when it hit my bare foot. "What's your name?" I stayed emotionless. I refused to like these people. I would not get attached.

I looked to the side, and stared at he wall. "It doesn't matter." He still didn't leave. "Can you tell me anything?" He persisted.


"Nothing?" I was getting angry now. "I said no." I glared at him. He caught on to my annoyance, and stood up. "Alright, we'll just.. be out here if you us." and he left. I looked down at the food, which was a sandwich and some grapes. God knows hoe the produce lasted for so long. Maybe they have a farm like the prison had.

.. The prison.

Just thinking of it made me sad. It's insane how much I just want to be back with them. I was stupid. I strictly promised myself to not get attached to anyone, or anything. The one thing I'm attached to, I loose. I'll probably never see them again. Stop thinking that way, Sam. You'll find them. My subconscious was the only thing giving me hope.

★I reached down to the sandwich, and took notice of my arms. My wrapped up in linen arms. I contemplated on taking them off, and finally gave in and started pulling at the end of the cloth. One arm was completely uncovered, and I was almost all the way healed. I knew some cuts would leave scarring though. I unwrapped my other wrist, which wasn't nearly as bad, and you could only make out a couple of the scratches.

★I threw the wraps to the side, then looked back down at the food. I would eat, but my biggest worry was if I could keep it down. I hadn't eaten since I the prison blew up.

Then my thoughts were disrupted. Where the fuck is all my stuff? I came out from under the table. None of it was in here, not even in the drawers. I slowly opened the door, making sure no one was in the hallway.

I snuck around the corner that lead to the kitchen. I'm going to want to arm myself before confronting them. I pulled out a meduim sized non - serrated knife, and held it tight in my grip.

I heared voices coming from the living room.

"She wouldn't even tell me her name. She's thinks we are not safe."

"I don't care, you knock some fucking sense into her."

"Can't you help?"

"Ha, you don't want me helping, Ryan."

"God, stop the fucking complaining," This was a different voice. A female."if neither of you will do it th-"

"Stay out of this, Lilly!"

"I won't, I'll just go talk to her, jesus." Crap. She's heading towards this exit. Think, think, think. Before she reaches the doorway, I duck behind the counter so she doesn't see me. When she comes to the front of me, I hit her in the back of the knee with the handle of the knife. She's shocked and groans in pain, and falls to the floor.

"Lilly, what happe-" I turn the corner, and kick Ryan in the stomach, knocking him back into the wall. I turn and see Larry coming at me with a lamp. I duck just in time, making him shatter the lamp against the doorway. His weapon is better now because it's sharper.

I fight my way between him and the doorway, but he notices and kicks his leg, making me slam my head in the corner. My vision blurs for a minute, and I can feel hot liquid going down the side of my head. Which is perfect for him, because he kicks me back against the wall. I remember I have the knife in my hand, which he doesn't seem to notice. I take the knife and slash just above his kneecap. He yells and falls down.

I use the wall to help myself up. Instantly when I stand up, my head starts throbbing in pain. I put my hand over where my head began to bleed. The hair around it is completely matted with blood. Lilly walks into the room, and looks at Larry on the ground, groaning in pain. "What the fuck?!" She yells at me, clearly mad I hurt him. I want to show her what he did to me, but that won't help anything, because she probably could care less about me.

I looked at Ryan, who's eyes were very wide, and he was clearly terrified. Terrifed of me. Why though, I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't kill him, I think.

"You're a fucking monster." Lilly yells at me. She's kneeling over Larry, holding her hand on the wound. I was taken back by her words. The only other person who has said that to he... was my father.  And it's the same situation, I was just protecting myself, I didn't kill anyone, I didn't do anythong wrong.

Looked at all of them once, they are were fixated on me. I stepped over Larry, back into the kitchen. "Hey, wait." I turned to him, and threw my knife. I wasn't aiming for him, so it hit just above his head. "Stay away from me." I turned, and looked through the hall, desperate for a bathroom to clean myself up.

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