Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I ran out of there. I didn't want to talk right now, especially to him. He scared me, in a way. Which was different for me, I didn't get scared easily.

I ran out in the direction of what looked like a small farm, where they raised pigs and where Michonne put her horse. I sat down on the grass. It was nice, I hadn't really taken a break for awhile besides sleeping, I was always moving from the time I woke up, to the time I went to sleep. I looked around. I they had walkers outside of the fence all around the prison, mostly spread out, with some clusters here and there.

I turned my focus back to the farm, Rick came around the corner and saw me, and came towards me. Oh great, he's gonna give me the "Kill anyone here and I kill you" speech. I thought.

"Wanna prove your with my trust?" He asked, in a kind yet stern voice. I nodded. "Good." He said. "I need you to take this to Carl, it's his gun." He pulled the gun out of his back pocket and handed it to me. I took it into my hands and now he was looking directly into my eyes. "And if you go around shooting people with it, you're out of here, you here me?" I nodded and he walked off.

Fuck.  I thought. Now I have to go back to the cell block, and give this gun to the guy I just ran away from, yea, THAT won't be awkward.

I walked back to the cell block, where Carl was, sitting in his cell. I walked over to the doorway to his cell. He stood right up from his chair when he saw the gun in my hand. "Is that mine?" She asked, surprised I had it. I set it down on the table right by the doorway. "Your dad sent me to give it to you." I said. He was confused by my answer. "Why did he send you?" I started heading out of the cell block when I answered. "Because apparently he thinks I'm gonna shoot everyone here. He was testing his trust in me." I was halfway out of the cell block when I heard him following behind me. "Oh, well thanks for bringing it to me." He jogged up so he was walking to my right now.

"So, you never told me what your name was..." He said, hinting at my sudden escaped from earlier. I glanced over at him for a second. "It's Sam."

"Short for Samantha?"


We both walked out of the prison, I looked at the sun. it was probably around 5:30 p.m. getting really close to dinner time, which was nice, since I was starting to get hungry.

"Have you met anyone else yet?" Carl asked.  "You know, besides the people that were in the group at the grocery store when they found you."

"No, not really."

"I'll introduce you to everyone at dinner,  okay?"

"Oh, you don't really need to do tha-"

"I know I don't, I just thought it would be nice to do for you, since your new and all." He left the gaze we had locked on each other. "C'mon, we should probably start heading to the pavilion, they start serving around 6:00." He walked around me, heading towards the pavilion, and I followed.

We reached the pavilion right before they were getting ready to server. Since we had nothing to do, we helped set out paper plates, utensils, and the small varieties of food. People started arriving at the pavilion by 6:00. "Come over here, I'll introduce you to Carol." He gestured over to a table, where I recognized Daryl and Glenn.

"Do you want to sit here with me?" Carl asked me. I nodded and he and I set our food down and sat across from Carol and Daryl. I looked over at Carol. She had brown hair that had mostly turned a light gray. when she saw me, she shot a friendly smile in my direction. I smiled back at her.

"Hey guys." A girl with short, curly brown hair sat down next to Glenn, placing a kiss on his cheek. She looked over at me.

"Who are you?"

Glenn saw her question was directed towards me. "Oh, um, Maggie, this is Sam. We found her while we were getting supplies from the grocery store."

"Does Rick know she's here?'' She asked, thinking it was a bad thing if he didn't yet. Glenn nodded and she didn't ask anymore questions. A few minutes after, Rick came over and took a seat next to Carl. "How was your first day, Sam? You met a lot of people?"

"Uh.. yea." I stuttered. Rick leaned over to Carl

"Did she give you your gun back?" He whispered, barley loud enough for me to hear. Carl looked over to Rick and nodded.

When everyone was done, Rick announced that curfew was in two hours. It was 6:30. rick and Glenn headed for Tower C, And Daryl headed for Tower B for the night shifts.

"Hey, I have to go feed the pigs and Michonne's horse. You want to come with?" Carl asked.

"Sure.". We headed down to the little farm they had, and saw a girl come across us when we were halfway there.

"Hey Beth. Looking for something?" Carl asked.

"I'm looking for Zach, have you seen him? He didn't come say hi to me when he got back from the trip to the grocery store."

Zach... where have I heard that name? Then I remembered."No one told you, did they?" Carl looked down at his shoes.

"Tell me wh-. Oh, he's dead, isn't he?" Carl went up to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Beth. He got bit in the thigh by a walker."

"It's fine. Goodnight guys." and she walked off and went into the prison.

"Poor girl." Carl commented.

"She had a baby with her." I said, "Is she hers?"

We walked into the farm. "No that's my little sister, Judith." He didn't look back at me, afraid that I would keep asking questions, so I didn't. Even though my mind was filled with about twenty.

It was about 8:00 when we finished up feeding the pigs, which took longer than expected, since we let two pigs loose on accident and chased them for about 20 minutes. "Let's head back to the prison before curfew starts. I'd hate to get caught by Daryl." He stood up from the ground in front of the farm, and offered me a hand to help me up.

It was exactly 8:30 when we got into Cell Block C. "See you in the morning, Sam. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I walked up the stairs and went into my cell. It was then when everything rushed over me. I was no longer alone, I had people here to help me along, but I remembered how the kids looked at me. Half the people here thought I was dangerous. Some of them didn't even seem to like me, at all. Rick, who was basically their "leader" didn't even trust me. I was letting all of this get into my head, I didn't know know to react. Tears slowly welled up in my eyes. Don't cry Sam, not here. I thought. But I couldn't help it.

I walked back down the stairs and towards the exit of the prison. I opened the door and went outside. Yes, I was breaking curfew, but I didn't care, I wasn't gonna let my sobs echo throughout the Cell block. I ran over, climbed up the fence, and sat on the top of it.

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