Chapter 26: The little one

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After the meeting, Hunter and I bid everyone farewell and left for home. Alpha Piper insisted we stay the night but we refused, saying that we were needed at home. We had to return to improve the defenses around our territory and check to see if anyone had been attacked while we were gone. She understood and let us go. Before we left however, I wanted to see the wolf who was attacked. Alpha Piper was hesitant at first then lead me to a room that was calmly decorated like the person who lived there was either too lazy to decorate it more or they were more on the simple side.

In the farthest corner from the door, a queen sized bed held a weak and depressed looking female wolf who seemed no older than 10 laying under the smoky grey blankets. She had semi-long black hair and had bangs laying to the side of her face, bloody bandages wrapped around her right eye and forehead. I noticed how pale her skin was and looked at Alpha Piper with a shocked expression.

"Why was a kid out there?" I asked and noticed the sadness in her eyes. She looked at the young wolf and walked over to her side, sitting down on the bed, then gently gripped her hand. The young girl slowly opened her yellowish-orange eyes to look at Alpha Piper and I realized that this pup was Alpha Piper's daughter. My ears lowered, understanding why she was so against making a plan to defend our pack instead of planning an attack. She wanted to avenge her daughter's attack. The little girl smiles weakly when she saw her mother.

"H-Hey, mommy." she said, her voice showing how weak she really was. I heard voices like that too many times when I was with my pack after the humans attacked. Hearing her voice reopened that old wound but at the same time, made me more determined to follow through with my plan. I walked up to the little girl and knelled in front of her, her eyes taking their time to look at me. I could feel Alpha Piper's eyes on me, her nervousness and protectiveness making me look at her softly.

"I won't hurt her. I would rather die than do such a thing." I told her, her emotions seeming to calm a little but never completely fading away, not that I was expecting anything different. I was still new to her and with me in close quarters to her close-to-death daughter, she was wary. I looked at the little girl. I undid the bandage to see a nasty looking wound, black and blue surrounding it and another wound running across her eye but the eye itself was fine. I smiled softly at the little girl.

"Hello, little one. Did you sleep well?" I asked softly. It seemed to take her a moment to process my voice before her eyes narrowed slightly.

"W-Who are you?" she asked, slightly fear coming from her but it was mainly curiosity. I smiled softly.

"I'm here to help you feel better." I said, causing Alpha Piper's emotions to change to surprise. The little girl seemed to want to sit up but I placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Stay down, little one. You're not strong enough yet." She seemed to nod slightly and I felt the soft push against my hand fade away. I looked at Alpha Piper.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"A-Alyssa...c-can you really help her?" she asked, hope filling her voice. I smiled and nods.

"Don't worry. This won't hurt her but do me a favor and don't panic when I start. This is meant to heal her not harm her, so no matter what, don't do anything." I said, making her look at me strangely.

"What do you mean?" I smiled.

"Trust me." I looked at Alyssa.

"Can you close your eyes, little one?" She looked at me with confusion before nodding slightly and doing as I asked. Before Alpha Piper could question me, I called on Daemon's flames to calmly rise around me and spread to Alyssa. I sensed Alpha Piper's surprise and panic rise as she started to notice the flames and wanted to reach for her pup but I growled slightly to remind her of the warning I gave her before. It seemed to stop her but I could still feel her worry and uneasiness for her child.

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