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"i don't know"

"boris you are not in love with me. don't say that"


"you- you just can't!"

"what if i can? what if i am actually in love with you?"

"it's not possible! stop lying! no one has ever loved me and no one ever will. and even if you do, it will only hurt you and i don't want to hurt you"

"that's a sacrifice i'm willing to make"

"no! boris i said stop!"

"no! are you that disgusted by me?"

"no boris. i'm saying this because, to be honest, i am madly in love with you too, and i'm worried that we will end up breaking each other's hearts"

"you will break my heart if you walk away today"

"stop... please just stop"

"no i won't stop. why can't you just accept this and be with me?"

"because everyone important in my life leaves me in the end! do you ever question why i've struggled with jobs and addictions and self harm? it's because i have so many issues, boris. so many! and i don't wanna rub those issues off on you"

"but i have issues too, babe! what if we can fix each other instead? i want to fix you! i want you to fix me. and i'm afraid you're the only one who can"

♕ S T R I P • boris pavlikovsky ♕Where stories live. Discover now