chapter 51

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Hazel pov

" Excuse me I will just get a drink and come back " I said to Alex mother she nodded and I made my way towards the drinks table

" Hi , I'm rose a friend of Alex "   a slim looking girl said with a smile on her face , why didn't Alex introduce us

" Hello , nice to meet you "  I said that is what I have been saying ever since we got here

" so I heard you guys are getting married " she asked while I just nodded , what I need right now is a drink

" And you are pregnant ?" She asked

" Yes , why ?  " I asked finding the conversation strange

" Cos how do you keep your perfect slim body even with pregnant ?" She asked , I smiled

" Well actually I am just 5 month gone " I replied , she just nodded and smiled , something about her doesn't feel right

" What are you doing here ". She asked

" Just wanted to get a drink "

" Let me get you some apples juice for the kitchen ,the drinks her are wine " she said then I nodded all I need right now is a drink , after some time she came back with my apple drink ,I immediately gulped down the drinks then whispered a thank you

" Your welcome "

" Hazel " a high pitched voice call and I looked back to see kyle walking towards us

" What are you doing ?"  She said looking from me to rose

" I came to grab a drink " I said  , she nodded 

" Come let get some thing to eat " kyle said then dragged me along

"So tell me about your relationship with Alex ,how did you guys meet ?" She asked

" Well actually we met in a bar , then we had a night stand , then I got pregnant " I said as she made something for use to eat

" So you mean it not a love marriage ?" She asked

" It is ,Alex tells me every time that he loves me and I have see it in his eyes that he does love me " I replied

" And you ?, Do  you feel the same ?" She asked , I was silent for some time , do I feel anything for him,I know I do feel something for a Alex but is it love ?, I think I do have feels for him

" Yeah I do " I replied

" Oh your blushing" kyle shouted

" No I'm not " I shouted back

" So have you told him "  she asked

" No " I replied

" Wow , okay I dare you to look for my brother and kiss him in public ". Kyle said smiling ,what does she mean , I'm not a child to do that

" What ?, No I'm not doing that "  I protested

" Come on , sis do it"  she said switching off the gas cooker

" I'm not a teenager kyle , I don't do things like that". I said ,of course there is no way I am doing that

" But I am a teenager" she said

" Can I do that in private ?" I asked

" No you can not , now go " kyle said pushing me forward , I scanned the room and finally found Alex with some group Of boys they where laughing and drinking

" Go " kyle said from behind me , I walked towards Alex , he was sitting down on a chair  , I slowly made my way towards him

" Are you okay babe" Alex asked , I nodded and sat on his laps getting him surprised , then I slowly leaned down then placed my lips on his, he was shocked at first but after some time he pulled me closer to him and responded to my lips , my mind was telling me to stop but my body wasn't, I could hear his friends shouting , he kissed my lower lips then I felt him smile against my lips , I parted our lips cos I was already out of breath
I looked down at him to see he was looking at me also

" I love you xander "  I whispered , the smile on his face widen

" I love too hazel " he whispered back , his friends where still shouting , so I could not look back at then to see there faces
I rested my head on Alex's shoulder , while he hugged me

Then suddenly I felt a shape pain in my stomach , it first started off as a string then it became unbelievable

" Ouch " I said holding my stomach

" Are you okay cupcake ?" Alex asked and every where became silent , I stood up from Alex's lap and ran towards the toilet , I entered holding my stomach ,it felt like my intensine where inter locking together , after some time the door opened

" Are you okay sis ?"  Kyle's voice said

" No kyle , my stomach hurts " I said crying ,my legs could not hold me anymore so I fell to the ground

" Blood!!" Kyle screemmed , making me to look at my tight , looking at the blood made me screem  also

" Stay her sis , I will get Alex " kyle said then ran out , I have seen sence like this in movies ,I held my stomach praying for it not to be a miscarriage

" My baby " I cried , then I started seeing black spots

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