chapter 6

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Alexander pov continue

" Can you please bring a cup of lemon juice to room 36"  I said over the telephone they left at the side of the bed , Hazel has been jumping on the bed since we got here ,she had no sign of sleep in her eyes 

" Hazel come down you will hurt yourself "   I said bringing her down

" I can't hurt myself , besides who are you to tell me what to do , I don't even know you "    she said smiling like a drunk woman well yes she is drunk

"Wait you look familiar "    she said touching my check ,my heart immediately skip a bit Hoping she doesn't recognize me

"Oh yeah , you are the CEO CFO right ?"   She asked moving closer to me , great she remembered  me as CEO of CFO

"You look more handsome in person "  she added

"And also you ha......"  She was about saying but stopped ,it seems like she was going to trow up again

"Don't tell me you want to do what I think you want to do "   I said but it was already too late she threw up all over my white shirt

"Shit ". 

"Oops sorry "    she apologized like a child , a knock came from the door and I opened up , it was a man in white I think he works at the hotel

"Your order "  

" Bring it in "   I ordered ,he came in and  dropped it on the table ,he was about leaving but I stopped him

" Can you help me wash this and bring it back and also can you get something light for her to wear "    I requested

" Okay , congratulations on your wedding sir , your wife is beautiful ".   The hotel worker complemented  , I smiled to him then he left

" I don't think he watches the news "    I said turning back to see a drooling Hazel  ,she was looking like she was going to eat me

"W.....why you looking at me that way ?".  I asked moving back cos she was moving closer to me , I finally stopped when I felt my back against the wall 

"W....hat are you doing ?".    I asked as she moved her fingers against my chest , looking at my lips which made me look at hers finally I felt her lips on mine  , I closed my eyes tight trying to control my manly side  , I pushed her lightly breaking the kiss  , she had this hurting look on her face ,then a Tears  dropped from her eyes
the young me would have jumped on opportunity to kiss the girl of my dreams

" You can reject me also it okay "   she said turning to leave hearing ,that I stopped her and dragged her back to my arms , I will never do such a thing.

" I can never reject you ".  I whispered then our lips returned to it formal position , she moved us slowly towards the bed and pushed me on the bed .

She diconnected her lips from mine and I watched as she removed her wedding dress ..

What are you Alex, get a hold of yourself, I tried standing up but she pushed me back to the bed and our lips met  mine once again.

The kiss started out slowly but became passionate after some time.

Okay Alex this shit just got real

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I will be posting 3 chapter ever Wednesday

Thank you for choosing this book ,it means a lot to me

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