chapter 65

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Alexander pov

Hazel's dad  funeral was yesterday and she hasn't been the same , I let her sleep alone tonight , well mainly because she asked to be alone

But I've not been able to get some sleep , I must have gotten used to sleeping next to her

I checked the time and stood up from my bed , it was 2 am, I think I should check up on her , I walked slowly towards her room ,the door was opened a little

It sounded like she was crying ,so I entered the room to see hazel shaking on the bed , she was crying ,it looked like she was having a nightmare , I sat next to her on the bed

" Cupcake wake up " I said tapping her bit she did not answer , so I started shaking her

" Hazel  wake up !!!" I shouted she opened her eyes immediately crying crazy , I know I should have not let her sleep separately

" Dad " she kept on saying looking around the room holding her hair , I cupped her cheeks making her look at me

" It okay , I'm here " I said , then she hugged me

" Why does this always have to happen to me Alex ?" She asked beating my cheat , it was painful 😖 I won't lie

"What do you mean by that , has this happen before ?" I asked running my hand through her soft hair , she nodded her head still crying

30 minute after

Hazel finally calmed down after some time , I was now sleeping next to her with her head on my chest

" Do you want to tell me ?" I asked creasing her hair , I know she knows what I am talking about , after some time of silence , she finally answered

" mr Roddy, the one you know as my dad is not my dad " she said , I stopped creasing her hair

" Don't stop " she said immediately so I continue creasing her hair

" When I was 12 ," she continued " my parents died in a car accident , I was part of the accident but I was lucky to survive , I was in a coma for half a year , when I finally woke up I asked for my parent then they said my father died and my mom ran away from her responsibility , I never saw her again, she never came back for me ,. Mr Roddy took me in and treated me as his own daughter his wife cared for me as her own child"  she suddenly became silent

" That's explains why Anna doesn't like you "  I said drawing circle on her back

" Yes " she replied

" Did you try finding your mum ?" I asked

" No , she left me " she said with her voice cracked at the end , I think she wants to cry again

" It okay babe, you have me now " I whispered

" I know , that's the only reason I'm living Alex "  she suddenly said

" I can't be the only reason you are living cupcake, you still have your career and you still have your mother"  I said hugging her

" When you mean career , you mean as a pastry chef right ?"  She asked , that not what I meant ,I meant as a model

" Pastry chef?" I asked cos it was new to me

" Yes  , I've always wanted to be a pastry chef , my dad was a pastry chef , he makes the best cupcake " she said smiling to herself

" Can you make some for me ?" I asked , she looked up at me and smiled

" Sure hon " she said , I smiled back and kissed her forehead

" Let's go to sleep babe , you have a long day in the kitchen in the morning " I said closing my eyes

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