chapter 12

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Hazel pov 

"Congratulations you are 4 weeks pregnant "     the doctor said leaving us shocked

"What !!!!" I shouted

"Thank you doctor ,we will head out now "   Jenny said dragging me out of the doctors office ,we got to the car and I asked Jenny to drive cos I could not process the information I just heard

" Who is the father?, Andy ?".   She asked breaking the silence

"What , no I and Andy never had s**x ".      I replied

"Then who is the father ?"    She asked

" I don't know , all I can remember is that I woke up in a hotel last month ,after Andy rejected me "     I said looking at the bracelet on hand  ,then I started remembering what happen after I woke up but I could not remember what happened the night before .

"It okay , don't think too much ,but we have to tell your mother,to know what to do ".   She said

"No please don't tell mum , we can do something else "    I said already crying mom would be disappointed in me

"Then what do we do , get rid of it ?".   She asked

"Yes we can do that "    I said nodding my head

"I can't believe you agreed to do something like that, are you this wicked , the child is just coming into this world and besides it too dangerous ".  She said still looking at the road

"What can I do , I am confused".   I said allowing the tears to fall

"Just calm down we will think of something "    Jenny said , I closed my mouth with my left hand trying to hold the sobs , how could this happen to me , I don't even remember who the father of this child is , am I going to be a single mother , will I be able to do this , what about my career

I'm doomed

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