chapter 61

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Hazel pov

I and jenny made spaghetti and meatballs for Alex and I was on my way to his office
, Jenny insisted I wore something a little reveling , so I was feeling a bit uneasy
I packed my car at the front of the company then walked in , I was about entering the elevator when it opened and a familiar face walked out , she gave me a killers face getting me a little scared, where have I seen this face

" I heard you had a miscarriage " she said then laughed , it was then I remembered where I knew her from ,she is Alex's ex , Sara

" It a good thing actually , now you can like my man alone " she said , what does she mean by that ?

" What do you mean ,your man , I only took what belongs to me" I said with my head up

" It actually funny  you think alexander loves you " she said laughing loud ,I held the lunch pack tight in a fist

" He was only with you because of that bastard you called a child, but now that he is out of the picture ,he can't finally come back to his senses " she said ,I took a long breath in , trying to hold my tears that where treating to fall

" Your lying " I whispered but it was more like I was saying it to myself for assurance
She smiled and walked close to me in a way her lips where next to my ear

" We had a great time today " she whispered and walked out,I was left standing on a spot

" Hazel " a voice said from behind , I looked back to see Alex friend sean

" H...hi "

" Hi ,you came to see Alex " he asked looking at the lunch pack , I nodded giving him a flash smile

" He should be in is office " he said , I nodded again and walked into the elevator ,

" Are you okay?" She asked before the door to the elevator closed

" Yeah thanks " I said before it could close , I pressed the button to the 20 floor , what Sara said could it be truth , I asked myself,her words kept on replaying in my head ,the elevator stopped and I stepped out, I kept on getting a good afternoon and hi from the employees

I got to Alex office and knocked lightly

" Come in " Alex said he sounded fustrated ,I walked in ,a smile come to his face immediately he saw me , I relaxed knowing,my presence just made him smile

" What are you doing here cupcake,are you okay ?".  He asked worried

" I'm okay,I just came to give my baby lunch , anything bad in that ?". I asked playfully, I let out a short laugh and came towards me

" There is nothing bad in that cupcake" he said then when the was finally close to me he hugged me

" I've missed you"  he whispered , I just smiled and cressed his soft hair something I've grew used to

" Let have lunch " I said breaking the hug, he nodded and lead me to the couch in the office , he sat next to me then watch as I unpacked the lunch pack

" What did you make ?"  He asked helping me

" Spaghetti and meatballs" I said after opening the flasks

" My mouth is already watery" he commented , I smiled and gave him the flask, he collected it and started eating, I watched silently , he looks so cute while eating

" Slow down "  I said laughing, he nodded and continue eating ,his food , after sometime I decided to as what I've wanted to asked

" Xander " I called he looked up at me , I started laughing when I saw a stain of spaghetti sauce on his mouth

" What is something on my face ?" He asked , I've got the most handsome boyfriend anyone can ever ask for , I stopped laughing and pointed to where the sauce was , he wiped it off and looked at me

" Why where you calling me cupcake ?"  He asked

" I love you" I said in one take ,  he suddenly started choking ,I helped him with a glass of water ,he collected it and drank it , I waited for his reaction for about 15 minutes but he was just looking at me silently

" Alex " I said shaking him snapping out of his trance

" Why are you saying this suddenly " he asked

" Don't know just felt ,I should let you know , how much I love you " I said crossing my legs

" Really ? " Alex said sitting on the desk , why wasn't he saying it back to me ? , I stood up and walked towards his desk , when I was close enough to him

" I love you babe"  he whispered , I was shocked at first then he did the unexpected , he held my waist and crushed his lips on mine , I was shocked at first then I relaxed into his hard chest ,he was kissing me with so much hunger, while I tried to meet up with his pace ,I opened my mouth giving him more access into my mouth, we untangled our lips to catch our breath , I was breathing hard , Alex placed his forehead on mine breathing hard also

" I love you too hazel, I've loved you for a long time , and that is one thing that will never change " he whispered then connected our lips again , I let out a low mourn , suddenly the door to Alex office opened , we departed immediately

" You are fired " Alex shouted at who ever opened the door with out knocking

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