chapter 56

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Alexander pov

" Rose !!, Rose!!" I shouted immediately I entered the house , the house was now entry ,I guess ever one left after what happened to hazel

" Alex ?" Rodin said coming from the kitchen

" Where is rose ?" I asked

" In her room " he replied ,I was about running up the stairs when she came down herself

" What is it Alex?" She asked innocently

"Did you or , did you not poison hazel ?" I asked , I'm sure my vains will be out by now

" I did not ,how could you accuse me of such a thing?"  He said immediately

" I will ask you again rose , did you poison hazel " I shouted

" I didn't , besides there where so may people at the party today , she is famous so she must have so many enemies "   rose  answered

" Hold her " I said to rodin , who immediately held rose on the hand

" mr Denis " I shouted  , mr Denis has been working as a security man in my mom's house for about 15 years now , so he is very well trust ,he came running into the sitting area

" Yes Alex ". Old Denis said

" I want to see the cctv footage from yesterday to this evening ". I ordered , he nodded and I followed his to the camera room

He started the cctv footage, after some time she spotted rose mixing something inside a bottle then handing it to hazel , then hazel drank it

" What was that " mom asked from behind me , I was trying as much as I can to hold my anger

" I'm sorry " she begged , I turned to her and gave her a resounding slap , she held her face as tears rolling down her eyes

" Mum look at the person you want me to get married to , she is a murder " I shouted , mum looked at me with pity then she turned to rose and slapped her too
Rose fell to the ground crying

"Call the police " I said to rodin who nodded

" No please Alex the vilan her is that bitch ,she too you alway from me , we where ment to get married as planned but she came into your life "  rose begged holding my legs

" I can never marry someone like you rose , you only agreed to get married to me because of my money , and I know that" I said

" Even if I can't get you at least she can't , I killed her and I have no regrets " rose said more to herself , I came down to her level on the ground

" You didn't kill hazel ,she is pretty much alive " I whispered ,she looked shocked

" Then the child must be Dead " she said to my face ,I held her cheeks

" There will always be time to make more babies you know " I said with so much anger , the police entered

" Take her away , the evidence are in the cctv footage " I said then walked out of the room ,my phone rang from my pocket, I picked it up to see it was kyle , did something happen

" What is it kyle ,is hazel awake ?". I asked with so much hope ,then I heard kyle crying

" Alex " she called

" What is it kyle , stop scaring me ,what happen ?" I asked praying it not what I think it is

" It's hazel " she said

" What happen to her " I asked running towards my car

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