chapter 53

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Alexander pov

After the kiss I and hazel shared , she ran to the bathroom leaving me worried so I sent kyle after her

I smiled to myself as I remember the kiss, I touch my lower lips it still felt like gellys and she said she loves me , I am the happiest man on earth right now

" Alex " kyle shouted running towards me

" What is it ?" I asked ,she had tears in her eyes

" It's hazel ,she is bleeding " kyle explained , I didn't wait for more explanation when I ran towards the washroom , the door was looked from outside ,so I could not get in

" Hazel " I shouted but there was no reply

" Break it down " mum shouted , I nodded and started pushing the door , rodin abd done if my friend joined ,after sometime the door came down

Hazel was laying on the ground lifelessly , I ran towards her body

" H...Hazel  " I called but she was not responding , tears where all ready coming down my cheeks , I can't loose her , she is my life

" Someone should call an ambulance " I heard someone shout but I was to busy trying to wake hazel use I could not see the person

I can't believe this is happening

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