chapter 8

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Hazel pov

I opened my eyes looking at an unfamiliar room ,where am I ? , How did I get  here ? , were the questions running through my mind , I tried standing up but I felt a sharp pain in my head , and between my legs.

"Ouch "   I shouted in pain ,all I can remember  is that ,after the wedding I left the church angrily then went to the club to drink from there I couldn't seem to remember anything , I stood up walking towards the door , I opened it to find out where I was ,I was in an hotel I must have collected a room in my drunk state , i was about sitting back when I realized I was naked

"This is my last time drinking  , I can't even remember anything "   I said walking towards the bathroom  , I switched on the water and was about entering the bath tub when I nodded a sharp pain between my legs , I neglected the pain then stepped into the bathtub

After a long bath I came out with a towel on my body and one on my hair

"What will I wear ,I can't wear this again "    I said picking up the wedding dress from the ground ,then I noticed a pink short gown on the sofa , I smiled then picked it up , it was a beautiful dress , it must belong to the person that used this room before me 
After thinking for a while I decided to wear it ,it was my correct size , then I noticed a white sneakers , I also wore it,i looked at myself in the mirror the smiled
There was a bracket on the table , it was a silver bracelet , my heart was written on it , I feel in love with the bracket so I also decided to take it 

"I saw it,I liked it and i took it  ".   I said wearing the bracelet

When I was fully done , I spotted my car keys on the sofa so I picked it then headed out

                innocent poor Hazel
  Please don't hate on Alex ,he had no other choice 😉

I decided to post another chapter , lol

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