chapter 35

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Hazel pov

I walked into the office with the lunch pack mum packed for Alex ,all eyes where on me

"I can't believe I'm doing this " I thought as I walked further into the office

"Hi " I greeted a lady   ,she was wearing an id card

"Hello ,how may I help you ?" She asked

" Can you please direct me to Alexander Owens office ?"  I said she looked a little surprised

" Do you have an appointment ?, Cos Mr Alexander is in a meeting with so investors "  the young lady said

" I don't have an appointment ".  I replied

"Then I'm afraid you can't see him " she said and I smiled

" Well you see I'm his fiancé "   I said smiling , she smiled back and folded her hand then her expression change

"We all know who is Mr Alexander fiancé is ,in this office so don't try to play smart with me , leave now before I call security "  she said raising an eyebrow up , from the cute young lady she  suddenly turned to a scary beast

" I'm serious. I'm his fiancé "   I replied also folding my hands

" Everybody wishes for that , why do you think we all dress like this to the office it to seduce Mr Alex "   she said making me look around all the ladies in the office were wearing  a skirt that shows there laps including the girl talking to me , I just smiled and shock my head

" As a woman you should be ashamed of saying that "   I said looking at her with disgust

" That it ,security !!!"   She shouted and two huge men ran towards us

" Get this woman out of her " she ordered

" This way Mama " one of the guys said

" I'm not leaving "   i said sitting on a chair

" Then suit yourself "   the other security guy said , then he bent down and carried me bridal style

" Let go of me , put me down "  I shouted trying to get down but he was just to strong

" What going on here " a familiar voice said from behind ,then the crowd that had gathered paved way for the person

" Boss " the security guard carrying me said letting go of me ,making me fall on my back

" Ouch "  I shouted in pain 

" Hazel ?" Alex questioned , I think he just noticed I was the one , he suddenly removed his hands from his pocket and ran to me

" Are you okay ?"  He asked cupping me check , I just nodded and tried to stand but my ankle was hurting so much

" Can someone tell me what the fuck is happening here!!! "  Alex shouted all eyes where now on us

" I'm waiting !" He shouted again then everyone pointed to the girl that called the security on me

" Sir this lady claimed to be your fiancé , and she wanted to go to your office , I think she is a spy from another company ,she wants to steal our new game idea  , she is beautiful but her heart is d......" She said., She could not complete her statement when Alex shouted making everyone flinch including me , I never know he could get this angry

" Shut up Jane !!!! ".  He shouted standing up to look at her 

" This is my fiancé, you are talking about, how can she be a spy !!" He shouted pointing at me , I still sat on the ground cos I could move my legs

" I'm sorry sir"   she said with her head down , the people looking at me where now looking at me like I was the bad person here

" Don't apologize to me , you are fired !"  He shouted , I could see the Tears in Jane's eyes , I wanted her to suffer for what she did to me but not go this extent  , Alex then turned to the security guy that carried me earlier , then he punched him hard on his face

" how dare you touch my wife !!!"   He shouted punching him again and again
People tried stopping him but it was of no use

" Stop !" I shouted but he did not listen, if he continues like this he might kill him , I tried standing but it was useless    , so I crolled towards  them then held Alex right leg

" Xander stop , please "  I whispered , he suddenly stopped and looked down at me 

" I want you two out of this building within 5 min "  he ordered not taking his eyes off me , I look around the eyes on me where just too much

" Alex please can you forgive them , they didn't mean it like this "   I pleaded , he looked at Jane and the security guy

" Jane can stay but this guy should leave this instant "  Alex ordered

" Why ?"  I asked

" Cos he touched you , I am the only one that can touch you "  Alex said and there was an awwwwwn sounds from the crowd , I felt my check turn hot all of a sudden , nobody had ever said those words to me, better still protect me like this

" But he was just doing his job "  I said

" Not another word Hazel or I will make you walk all the way to my office on your bad leg "    he said carrying me in bridal style

" My bag ".   I said pointing at my bag and the lunch pack on the chair I sat earlier , I picked it up and we left

" Does it hurt ?" Alex asked as we walked out of the elevator

" Yes "  I replied nodding like a child , we walked into a office written CEO office on the door

"Nice office "   I said as he dropped me on his chair  , what's with this guy's and  white,  his house has so many white furniture and his office is pure white

"Sorry you had to go through that "  he apologized taking off my shoes

" It okay , but you over reacted "  I replied. , He stopped and looked at me

"What do you mean by, I over reacted Hazel , you are pregnant , what if that idiot had hurt my child then will I be over reacting then ?"   He shouted getting angry again   , he has anger problem

"I was just Kidding , look I brought you lunch " I said pointing at the lunch pack in the table , his eyes suddenly became softer

" Let eat " he said opening the pack

" No it okay , I've had lunch " I replied then he smiled and started eating


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