chapter 54

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Alexander pov

It been 1hour since the doctor took hazel into the ICU and I have not heard anything from them and it is driving me nuts, what is going on , why was she bleeding ?, Why wasn't she responding to my call

" Sit down son ,she will be fine " mum said trying to encourage me , I stopped and looked at her

" How do you expect me to sit when hazel is fighting for her life in there ". I shouted , why is she even her

" Brother" kyle said softly she was crying too , the door to the ICU room opened and a doctor walked out

" Family of the patient ?" The doctor asked

" Yes ,I'm her mother in law " mum said immediately

" Okay, we found posine in the patient's blood so we will be able to save only one , either the mother or the child " the doctor asked , why is she even asking this question ?

" But doctor , she is only some weeks gone how will you be able to save the child" mum asked , where is she heading ? 

" If we save the child , the child will be incubated " the doctor replied

" There is no time for chatting save the mother ". I shouted feeling frustrated
The doctor nodded and left us

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