chapter 59

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Alexander pov

It's been 3 weeks and hazel condition has not changed , infact she is getting worst everyday ,we had to postpone the wedding , so today I decided to take hazel to a therapist

" Careful" I said helping her out of the car , we where packed at the front of the therapist building ,I made an appointment online for 1 : 30 today and it is already 1: 12, hazel looked around the building , I helped her inside and we sat at the waiting area

" Hazel , look at me" I said cupping her cheeks to look at me

" Hazel ,we have plenty of time to make children , we are going to have as many children that you want , I just don't like seeing you like this , I miss my fun carefree hazel , the one that kissed me at the front of my friends and said she loves me "  I said looking at her eyes,a slow smile appeared on her lips , I smiled back and kissed her on her forehead

After sometime we where call in , then I was told to wait out side , I waited outsiders for about an hour then I was called inside

" Good afternoon Mr owens " the therapist greeted smiling ,she looked like she was in her fifty's , she had grey hairs on her

" Good evening" I greeted her back

" Mr owens, hazel Is going through an hard time , I was happy she was able to open up to me ,she told me how bad she wanted a child and she was shattered after she lost the baby" she said while I nodded

" So here is what you can do to help her, she is to be surrounded by things she loves, you're her fiance so you should know what she likes ,take her outing, shopping  , you know " the old woman explained

After talking for sometime,I took hazel to jenny's place and went to work

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