Harry's little surprise

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Niall's P.O.V.
Not long after Sophie was discharged from hospital, we got a phone call from Harry. He said Leah had just received some news....and it wasn't good. So the day, James was born, she had some appointment to go to and she just received her results a week later. Harry and Leah are absolutely devastated but they can't seem to tell us what's wrong. Sophie and I invited them over but they said they wanted to be alone. I called up Louis and asked and he said Harry couldn't tell him for tears.
Louis' P.O.V.
I waited a few days after Harry first called me before I went to see him. When I seen him, I pulled him into my arms and hugged him tightly. 'Hazza, what's wrong?' I ask, softly. 'It's Leah!' He chokes out. 'Come tell me what happened.' I say, sitting him on the couch. 'She had an appointment the day James was born.' 'What kind of appointment?' I ask. 'Well she had a fertility test done. Because we want a baby together.' 'Right, so then what happened?' 'She had to wait a week for her results and well she got them back. We were called down to the clinic and I was getting nervous and then the nurse told us Leah.....She can't.....have children!' He chokes through tears. I pull him closer and rock him backwards and forth as he cries into my chest. 'I want kids so badly Lou!' 'I know Haz, I know.' I let him cry for ages. 'Wait Haz? Where is Leah?' I ask. 'I think she's upstairs.' I stand up and head upstairs and peek into Harry and Leah's bedroom and look around. She's not here. 'Haz? Come up here.' I call. Harry rushes up the stairs and looks around the room before freaking out. 'W-W-Where is she? She was here Lou!' I then spot an envelope on the bed and pick it up. 'Haz....' 'Can you read it p-please?' He asks and I nod opening the envelope.
"My dearest Harry,
I'm so so sorry, I really am. I know you want kids more than anything. I do too. But I can't give you them. I love you so much and I know you love me but please move on and find someone who can give you the kids you deserve. I wish I was that person but I'm not. I'm so sorry for leaving you but please go out and find someone who can give you what you want. I'll love you forever. Never forget that. Never forget me. That's all I ask. I wish you the best life possible Harry. You'll always be my one and only......
Love your Leah xxx" I watch as Harry broke down in another flood of tears. I pulled him into a tight hug. I know how much he loves Leah. They are soulmates. I know it. And I also know, I have to get them back together. I call Sophie and ask her to call Leah and she does and we arrange to meet up with her in town. We go for coffee and Leah turns up on time. Me and Sophie explain what happened to Harry and she felt so bad that he was that broken from her leaving. Between us, me and Sophie convinced Leah to talk to Harry so we took her home to his house. After they talked, Harry got Leah to stay but telling her, if it meant never having kids, he'd never leave her. No matter what he won't leave her. Never. Ever. Ever. Then Harry told us to leave 'cos he wanted to show Leah just how much he loves her if you get my drift.
~3 months later~
Leah's P.O.V.
Something hasn't been right lately. I've had trouble sleeping, vomiting in the mornings, back ache. I don't know what's wrong but it's worrying Harry deeply. It's worrying me too. Harry insisted on taking me to the doctor a few days ago and they called me in to discuss my results. Once the doctor, Dr Cairn, took us into the room, she turns to us. 'Leah, I'm gonna need to take a scan of your stomach.' She says. 'Why? Is everything alright?' Harry asks. 'Well there is something showing up in some of your tests which might suggest something inside your stomach.' I feel Harry's grip tighten on my hand. 'So if you could lay on the table please?' Dr Cairn asks. I slowly stand on shaky legs and sit up on the table. I look at Harry and he tells me it's okay so I lift up my jumper enough. Dr Cairn puts gel onto my belly and then uses the scanner to scan it. A few moments later, a smile breaks on to her face. 'What is it?' Harry asks. 'Come around here Mr Styles.' she says and Harry walks around to where Dr Cairn is standing and shows him the screen. Harry's face uplifts and his hand goes up to his mouth as he gasps and tears begin forming. 'Harry, what is it? Haz?' I ask. Dr Cairn turns the screen towards me and a little figure is shown to me. I feel the tears brim in my eyes. 'Is that....' 'Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Styles! You're having a baby!' Dr Cairn exclaims. I feel the tears of joy pour down my cheeks and I can't stop smiling. 'We were told I couldn't have kids though!' I say. 'Well this must be a miracle! I'm so happy for you two!' Dr Cairn says. After I wipe the gel off my belly, me and Harry go home. Once we're home, we invite all our friends and their babies over. I then realise something. 'Harry? When did we even do it?' I ask. Haz thinks for a few moments. 'Remember a few months ago, when you tried to leave me but I wouldn't let you?' He asks and I nod. 'Well, I must've not used protection 'cos I hadn't been so we could conceive so I must've forgotten about it.' 'Oh right.' I say. I pull Harry close and hug him. He hugs me slightly tight but loose around my belly. He's gonna be the best daddy ever!


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