Meeting the boys

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Sophie's P.O.V.

I wake up at 6am as usual.Shower as usual.Get dressed as usual.Grab my bag and head down stairs as usual.But the unusual thing was the suitcases at the bottom of stairs.Which only means one thing....Dad's going on tour with One Direction. I run down the stairs and into the kitchen screaming 'DADDY DADDY DADDY!'I stop at the table beside my dad. 'Is today the day?'I ask feeling kinda sad now. 'Yeah baby, today's the day.'My dad says. I look across the table as I hear quiet sobbing. It's my little brother and sister Claudia and Michael. 'Aw it's okay guys I'll be here while Daddy's on tour.' I say hugging them. 'Actually you won't.'My dad says. 'What?'I ask. 'Honey you're coming with me.' I stand up on my feet and scream very loudly.Everyone covers their ears. I stop screaming. 'You're really taking me on tour?'I ask. 'Yes I am.'Dad says. 'I can finally meet Harry?'I ask. 'Yes you can finally meet Harry but try not to make it obvious when you stalk him!'Dad laughs. I laugh too. 'Now go get packed.'Dad says. I rush up to my room. I grab my suitcase from under my bed. I look up at my giant Harry poster above my bed. 'We'll be together soon my love!'I say and start neatly folding clothes into my suitcase. I throw things like my charger and pencils in my backpack and grab my suitcase and run down stairs with them.As I get to the bottom I trip over my over suitcase and fall flat on my face.My dad laughs and helps me up. 'Well that hurt....but it's all worth it for Harry!'I say. I hug my mom and little brother and sister.Then I realize I left my Harry scrapbook in my room.I run up for it and run back down, not falling this time. 'Lets go!'I say. My dad takes our cases and puts them in the car.We drive to the 02 arena. My dad drags our stuff through the arena and to the back where the dressing rooms are.He tosses them into one of them. 'Can I go for a walk,Daddy?' I ask sweetly. 'No....cos you'll find Harry and stalk him.'My dad laughs. 'Come on they'll be on stage rehearsing.'Dad says. I grin widely.I let my dad lead me to the stage. We go stand at the front of the stage. The boys are singing Kiss You. My eyes widen as they settle on Harry.My grin widens more and more too.My dad smiles as he watches my eyes light up.I'm mesmerised by Harry's sexy ness.He's more sexy than in pictures and videos.They stop singing. 'Hey Paul's here and he's brought a friend!'Niall shouts.They all jump off the stage.Dad hugs all the boys. I notice Niall staring at me probably just curiosity. Dad puts his arm around me and says 'Boys meet my daughter Sophie,Sophie meet the boys!'I lock eyes with Harry and he flashes me his signature smile. I let out a loud squeal.My dad puts his hand over my mouth. 'MEGA Harry girl!Sorry guys!'He says. 'It's cool.' Niall says. 'Right Sophie hug the boys but don't crush Harry's organs!'My dad warns. 'HAAARRY!'I shriek hugging him tight. 'She's suffocating me.Paul help me!'Harry says. 'Sophie!' My dad says pulling me back. 'I said DONT hug him tightly like that!'My dad says. 'No you said don't crush his organs!'I say. 'And don't answer me back!!!'He says annoyed. 'Well I was just correcting you!'I say. 'What did I JUST say?!?!'Dad kinda snaps. This is the first time he's ever snapped or got annoyed with me.I turn away and walk back to the dressing room.It's like the first door on the left up the hall from the stage. I slam the door so hard I'm sure the people outside heard it. I sit behind the couch out of view with my Harry book. I sit it on my knees and clutch my knees to my chest and sob slightly. I hear the door open quietly. 'Sophie?'I hear an Irish voice say. It's Niall. I try to silence my sobs with my knees.But apparently I failed.

Niall's P.O.V.

Sophie storms off and slams the dressing room door shut very loudly. 'I'll talk to her.'I say. 'No it's fine Niall she's my daughter I'll talk to her!'Paul says. 'Nah I'll get her, maybe stop her being angry then.'I say and head to the dressing room. 'Ooooo! Niall's got a crush on Sophie!'They boys tease. 'Aye okay ye little shits!' I say laughing. I think I do actually. I enter her dressing room. I hear slight sobbing.'Sophie?'I ask.The sobbing suddenly gets muffled but I can tell it's coming from being the couch. 'Soph?'I ask, peeking my head over the back of the couch.She's curled in a little ball. 'Aw munchkin why you cryin?'I ask. 'My dad n-n-never yells a-a-at me-e.' She says through tears. I pull her into a hug. 'You kinda took off before I could get your age darling?'I ask. 'I'm 16, 17 next week.'She says calming down.Sweet she's in age limit. "Come on Niall you can't have a crush on your tour managers daughter!"I think to myself.

Sophie's P.O.V.

Niall puts his arms around me and I instantly calm down.He asks what's wrong and I tell him.Then he asks my age so I tell him. 'Niall?Sophie?'I hear my dad say. I grip onto Niall. 'He's not gonna hurt you!'Niall says. My dad appears beside me. He looks at Niall and gives him the 'don't touch my daughter' look.Niall backs off a bit. I wish he'd held me longer.It felt nice being in his arms."Come on Sophie you love Harry not Niall!"But it made me feel all warm inside. "No Sophie stop it!" My dad lifts me up and holds me and I cuddle into him tightly. 'Ano I never yell at you.'He says. The rest of the boys walk in and Dad passes me around them, hugging me.He then takes me back and holds me. The boys, my dad and me go grab lunch. We watch the boys set up and rehearse. It's soon dinner time.We all go get dinner and then I sit under the stage and listen to the boys. 'Hey guys, guess who we've got with us this tour?'Niall asks the fans.The fans are pretty much silent.'Our daddy Paul, his daughter!' Niall announces. Louis comes to the little thing that boosts you on stage where I'm sitting. 'You coming up?'He asks. He grabs my hands and pulls me up.I stand beside Louis. 'Here's the girl who almost killed me in a hug!' Harry says. That made me feel bad. I kinda put my head down. 'Aw Harry you've made her feel bad!'Niall says hugging me. The crowd awes. Harry looks at me and Niall and rolls his eyes. I innocently go up to Harry and hug him loosely. 'I'm sowwy Harry!'I say. He just looks down at me creeped out. I step back and hang by Niall cos he protects me like daddy. I notice Harry's strange looks. I decide to go to the dressing room. I stay in there the rest of the concert then at the end when they're getting to the dressing rooms or jumping on the bus I nip to the bathroom.

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