Home Time

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Sophie's P.O.V.

I relax for a few hours then a doctor comes in to see me. 'Hey Sophie.'He says. I flip the TV off. 'Hey.'I say. 'Listen you seem all good to go but I want you to rest and if I'm honest I don't think you should stay on tour with your dad and the boys I think you should go home to London.' He says. 'What?'I ask. 'You need to rest and it won't be good if you're traveling constantly so I think you have to go home for sake of your health.' The doctor looks at me with a serious face. I really have to go home? 'Oh, I guess if it could affect my health then I can't travel with them and I will have to go home.' I say. The doctor leaves. Going home means.....leaving Niall. Oh great here he comes with my dad. How am I supposed to tell him? 'Hey princess.' They say in unison. 'Hey.'I say. 'What's wrong, sweetheart?'My dad asks. 'I....I....'I break down and cry. 'Baby?' Niall asks. 'I can't.....be with....you.....guys....any...m-m-more.' I say, between tears. 'What?'My dad asks. 'The doctor says its not good for my health to be traveling and I have to go home.'I say. Niall looks like he's gonna cry too. 'Well if that's what has to happen, then that's what has to happen.'My dad says. 'And maybe you'll be safer at home anyways.' Niall still hasn't said anything. 'I'll give you two a minute while I go sign some stuff.'My dad says, leaving the room. We sit in silence, Niall looking anywhere but my eyes. 'Niall? Talk to me.'I say. 'What's there to talk about?' He asks. 'There's us to talk about!'I say. 'I wanna make it work still.' 'Me too and it's gonna work. Therefore nothing to talk about.' He says. 'Baby, I'm gonna be in London, you're gonna be traveling the world. It's not gonna be the same. But we can try our best, right?' I ask. 'Yeah, we can baby.'Niall says, smiling. Niall leaves and I get dressed. I go back to the hotel with Niall and my dad,not leaving Niall's side. I spend the rest of the day cuddled into Niall. We've agreed to Skype every night and text every second we get. I end up falling asleep next to him and don't wake till morning. When I wake, Niall's gone so I just get up and grab my charger and that and throw it in my already packed suitcase. I then grab a change of clothes and once I've changed throw my shoes on I'm only wearing a vest so I grab Niall's hoodie not finding mine. I drag my suitcase to the main room. 'Hey Soph.'Liam says. 'Hi.'I say. 'You all ready to go then?'He asks. I nod. My dad appears with Louis and Harry. I hug Liam then Louis then Harry. Zayn appears with a sad looking Niall. I hug Zayn then squeeze the bloody life out of Niall. I give him a little kiss and then hug dad. Dad grabs my case and we head out the door, Niall behind. We get downstairs. I get into the car. Niall leans against the door. 'I'll miss you.'He says. 'I'll miss you too.'I say. He kisses me again. We kissed for about 10 seconds, letting it linger as we know it'll be our last for a long while. I slide into my seat and buckle up. Niall closes the door. Dad drives off down the street. I wave back at Niall as the car takes off into the sea of the city. We get to the airport. My dad hugs me again and hands me my plane ticket. 'See ya later Alligator.' He says. I laugh. 'In awhile Crocodile.'I say. I head off, putting my suitcase through security then heading for my flight. I walk down the runway and onto the plane. I take my seat and relax. All I can think of is Niall. The plane takes off.Well here we go. Home Time.

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