The Truth Comes Out Part One

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Sophie's P.O.V.

It's been 3 days since the sleepover and since Harry and I kissed. The guilt is eating me alive. I can't keep it from Niall anymore. I have to tell him. I lift my phone from the bedside cabinet and phone Danielle. 'Hey Soph what's up?' She asks. 'I need your help.' 'Sure what's up?' 'I'm going to tell Niall the truth....'Danielle hesitates. 'That's a good idea. I think you should.' 'Can you come over and get James? I don't want him here in case, Niall ends up yelling at me.' 'Sure thing. I'll be over in 10 minutes.' 'Thank you.' 'You're welcome. And hey, I'm proud of you for telling him.' 'Thank you.' I hang up from Dani and go pack an overnight bag for James....Just in case. I walk downstairs and see Niall playing with James. I watch with a smile on my face. Niall turns to look at me and smiles. I walk over to him and James and play with them. Niall pulls me in for a cuddle and James cuddles into us. After a little while, there's a knock at the door. 'That'll be Dani. She's taking James for awhile to give us time alone.' I explain. 'Oh okay.' 'Could you get the door for me please?' I ask. 'Sure babe.' Niall goes to the door with James in his arms and I hear Dani and Liam coo over him. I pack a couple of bottles for James and walk through to the living room. I hand Liam the bag and he pulls me in for a hug. 'We'll see you's later okay?' Dani asks and nods at me, taking my hands. I nod. She pulls me in for a tight hug before she takes James from Niall and heads to the car. Niall and I wave them goodbye before we turn back to the living room. Niall sits down on the couch with a loud sigh. 'Baby free day! Whatcha wanna do?' He asks. He frowns as he notices me still standing near the door. 'What's wrong babe?' He asks. I take a deep breath and wring my hands. 'Soph?' Niall calls. I step towards him and glance out the window. Dani and Liam have drove away. I take a deep breath and turn to face him. 'We need to talk.' I start. Niall's eyes widen and his face fills with worry.' 'Oh....Okay....This doesn't sound good....' 'It's not.' I warn. 'Come sit.' Niall says. 'I don't know if I should.' I mutter. 'Oh god. Okay. Right, come sit with me Soph, we talk about it.' I sit next to him and he takes my hands. 'A marriage needs trust.' I start. Niall nods. 'And honesty.' He nods again. 'So I need to be honest with you.' '3 weeks ago, when Harry and I went to LA drinking, we were drinking in the club....we were dancing....' Niall looks at me expectantly as I trail off. 'We kissed.....I leaned in first....And I felt so guilty for it and...and...and...' The tears begin flowing down my cheeks as I struggle to tell him. 'I kept thinking about Harry and I felt bad for it because I'm married to you and we've got little James. Our perfect little boy. And then 3 days ago we made out in the twins closet and then we flirted in the kitchen late at night as he wanted to have sex with me and I told him no and I've felt so guilty for the past 3 weeks and especially the last 3 days and I am so so sorry. I hate myself for this, for cheating on you, for betraying you and I understand if you never want to see me again but I love you so so much and I'm so so sorry.' Niall is staring at me with sad, watery eyes. 'You kissed Harry?' He asks. I nod, the tears flowing more. 'Twice?' I nod. 'Did you have sex with him?' He asks. I shake my head vigorously. 'No. I said no.' 'Okay.' Is all he says. He begins rubbing my hand with his own. 'Okay.' He says again. 'Are you mad?' I ask. He shakes his head, looking down at our hands. 'I'm hurt and upset but I'm not mad.' 'I'm so sorry.' I plead as more tears run down my face. Niall lifts one hand and wipes some tears away. He pulls me in for a hug and I begin howling. He lets me cry into his shoulder for a good 20 minutes before pulling back. 'Hey princess, it's okay. We're gonna be okay. Alright? Here's what we're gonna do okay? You, me and James are gonna get away for a few days okay? Book a few days away somewhere just the 3 of us. Get some space. Then when we come back, you and me will book into couple's therapy. Okay? How's that sound?' He asks. I smile at this amazing man in front of me. 'Oh my god!' I exclaim. 'What baby?' Niall asks. 'I love you so much!' I exclaim and Niall smiles at me. 'I love you too babe.' 'You are the best husband ever and I am so so sorry.' 'I know you are baby. It's okay. I love you okay?' 'And I love you.' 'So you and me can spend the day cuddling and maybe talking about anything we think is wrong in the marriage and then we'll pick James up later and we'll book somewhere away just the 3 of us. Okay?' He asks. I nod, tears still streaming down my face. I wipe a few of Niall's tears before we go upstairs and cuddle. We both end up falling asleep and waking up a few hours later. I look up at my amazing husband and smile. I kiss his chest and he smiles down at me. 'Niall, I am so sorry.' 'I know babe.' Niall and I sit and talk and we agree we need to spend more time just the two of us. So we allocate every Friday night, date night and we'll ask Liam and Dani to look after James and Sunday we'll watch movies with James and then just us two after James goes to sleep. We also agreed to split the chores and cooking 50/50 from now on. Later that night, we went and picked James up. Dani pulled me in for a tight hug and Liam with Niall. Dani told Liam while I was telling Niall. We take James home and spend time with him before putting him to bed. When I come back downstairs Niall is sitting on the couch and to my surprise Harry is sitting on the chair. 'Sophie, what's this about?' Harry asks me, looking concerned. I take a deep breath. 'I thought it would be good if the 3 of us talked.' Niall explains. I nod and walk over to Niall. He takes my hand and we look to Harry. 'Harry before we start, is there anything you want to say?' Niall asks. Harry's face changes and he knows. He covers his mouth with his hand as his eyes fill with tears. 'Niall....' He starts but trails off. 'I know Harry...I know.' Niall says. Harry breaks down in tears. 'Niall, I'm so sorry.' Harry pleads. 'I know.' Niall says and extends a hand to Harry. He rubs Harry's knee before pulling him in for a hug. 'I want you to know, I'm not angry. I'm hurt and upset and I'll need time's gonna be okay curly.' 'What?' Harry asks through tears. 'Sophie, James and I are gonna take a few days away somewhere then come back and have couples therapy....I think you and Leah should do the same....' 'Leah!.....Oh my god!.....You want me to tell her?....She's gonna leave me and take my kids Niall!' Harry exclaims. 'No....No she won't Harry.' I reason. 'Yeah she won't.' Niall agrees with me. 'We're gonna come over tomorrow and we're going to be there to help you explain.' Niall explains. 'Why don't you hate me Niall?' Harry asks. Niall laughs. 'Because you're one of my best friends and I've known you a lot longer than I've known my wife.....Plus I always knew her fan girl obsession with you was still lurking in there. But I married her knowing that....I was there for her when Darcy was born and she couldn't cope that she wasn't hers but we got through that, together. Just like we'll get through this together. Okay?' 'Okay.' Harry says. We have a group hug before Harry heads home.

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