Drunken, Weekend?

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Sophie's P.O.V.
I've left my baby boy in Ireland with my parents. I got a flight out to L.A. as soon as I could. When I landed, I felt less tense. Ellie picked me up at the airport and we drove back to her hotel. Perrie and Dani flew in together an hour after I did. Once we're all together, we took an hour nap and then got ready for the weekend ahead of us. We went shopping then went back to the hotel to get ready. My dress is a little short but I don't care. I wanna be a teenager again for one weekend. And that's what I'll be doing. Once I'm ready, I help the other girls and off we go to a hot night club. Straight to the bar and downed 4 vodka shots for myself. The girls just looked and me and took one each. 20 minutes later, I've had 6 vodka shots in total and I'm on the dance floor shaking everything I've got. I dance for 30 minutes then go for more alcohol then dance for 30 minutes then drink more alcohol. I'm wasted before the nights barely begun but that makes it even more thrilling and fun. I keep dancing and drinking alcohol and then back to dancing and back to drinking alcohol. It's really fun! Vodka, vodka shots, fruity shots, fruit cocktails, beer. The whole lot. I just keep ordering and ordering. Drinking and drinking. Dancing and dancing. And then repeating. The whole night long. Even after I'm drunk. Even after I'm pissed. Even after I'm wasted. Even after I'm stumbling everywhere and unable to pronounce words. Shouting the song lyrics like I don't know what. I just keep going cause no one is gonna stop me and I'm having fun. The most fun I've ever had. I feel young again. I feel like a teenager again. I feel free again. Free since I got married. Free since I had a kid. Free since forever. I feel wild and happy and energetic. And nothing, nothing can stop me feeling this way.
Perrie's P.O.V.
Sophie is out of control with her drinking but we dare not say anything to her for fear she'll snap at us. When she said she needed a girls drunk weekend away, we didn't think she meant it to be this bad. We're really worried and don't know what to do. After 3 hours, we approach her but it's as if she's too drunk to realise there's someone standing in front of her. She just giggles and turns back around, walking away. 'We gotta do something.' Ellie says. I nod in agreement. Dani marches up to her and tells her straight up. 'Sophie! You need to stop!' 'Who are you yelling at?!' Sophie asks. 'You!' Danielle yells. 'Me? What did I do? Who am I? Who are you?' Sophie asks. 'You are more than over your limit! You are over drunk! You are Sophie! And I am Danielle! One of your best friends!' She yells at her. Sophie just looks puzzled and walks up to the bar. She order more vodka shots. We follow her up to the bar. After Sophie downs the alcohol, she suddenly stops. I go up to her and ask if she's okay. Sophie doesn't respond. She just stares into nothing. 'Sophie?' Suddenly she drops to the floor and passes out. 'She's unconscious!' Ellie yells. 'She really doesn't look good!' Dani says. I call an ambulance which arrives quickly. We all ride with Sophie to the hospital. 'She's drank far too much alcohol girls!' The doctor says. 'We know. We tried to stop her but she just wouldn't.' We tell him. Sophie is rushed into a room and we're made to wait outside. I call Zayn quickly. 'Hey babe.' He says. 'Sophie's in the hospital. She drank too much alcohol and collapsed.' I explain. Zayn keeps me calm for a while which I was grateful for. An hour later, the doctor comes out. 'She'll be okay. We pumped her stomach and gave her some water. She's very dazed and probably won't remember anything when she wakes up tomorrow but she'll be okay.' The doctor says. We thank him greatly. I then call Zayn to update him quickly before we go back to the hotel and sleep the night away.
The next morning, we rush to the hospital very quickly. The doctor says Sophie doesn't remember anything so we're to wait and see if she remembers anything but she's hydrated enough so she can leave. Sophie rests the whole day till 7pm. She gets dressed up again. 'No. Not again Sophie.' I say firmly. 'I need this guys. I'm sorry.' Me, Dani and Ellie all stand with our backs against the door as we persuade Sophie to stay. She groans but stays, as we think.
Sophie's P.O.V.
Once everyone is settled, I sneak out. I get a cab down to the club and drink and dance. I happily sway to the beat with a vodka in my hand. I dance around the room to all the different songs and when I need a new drink, I go get one before dancing to the beat again. I drink and drink again till I'm flat out wasted. Perrie, Ellie and Dani turn up and drag me home. Then they give me 4 glasses of water which I drink before going to bed and sleeping. Of course I wake up in the morning with a big hangover and well yeah. Everything I drank, followed back up stream quickly. I then drank more water to stay hydrated. I rest the whole day before heading back out that night again where I bump into 3 boys I didn't expect. 'What the?' I ask. 'Um our parents took the kids so we came here for a few days. And Leah took the kids to her parents so yeah.' Louis explained, sheepishly. I nod and drink more alcohol. 'Woah!' Zayn says, taking it from me. I glare at him and order another one. Louis takes that one but I fight for it and win. Yay! 'You really shouldn't.' Zayn says. 'Oh shut it! I'll do what I want.' Once I'm wasted, I ask Harry about the kids. 'They're fine but I bet they'd like to bond with their godmother.' He says. I sigh and drink more. Then I black out. Ugh great.
I wake up in the hospital with Harry at my side. 'You need to stop this.' He says. 'No.' I say. He keeps trying to persuade me to stop, failing. There's nothing anyone can say that'll stop me now. I go home to Ireland once I'm sober. Lets just say 4 weeks later, I'm still in Ireland and my parents are calling me an alcoholic. I tell them I'm going to L.A. to clear my head to stop. But I lied. So I'm now in a nightclub, in a black dress with slits in the sides at the bar, drinking. After a little while, Harry shows up. My eyes widen in shock. 'Hello.' He says. 'Hi.' I say. 'A beer please.' He asks the bartender. 'If you're here to stop me-' 'I'm here to accompany you in drinking some alcohol.' He says, cutting me off. I half-smile and we drink alcohol together. Some how he convinces me to come home to London. Every weekend, we go out drinking but only cause he wants to help but getting on my side first. One weekend, we choose to go back to L.A. I've been bonding with my godchildren, spending more time with my son and not shunning Niall. Which is good. Whilst in L.A. this one time, Harry let me get completely wasted and so does he. Not enough to not remember this in the morning. We begin dancing on the dance floor till a slow song comes on so he pulls me close and we slow dance. I then grab his face in my hands do something so unexpected. I lean in towards him and he leans in towards me. And the our lips hit and we kiss each other. It was a soft kiss. I pull back and smile. I then feel tired so Harry takes me back to the hotel and I fall asleep. The next morning, I vow to stay off alcohol. And Harry and I agree to continue on life half- ignoring the fact we kissed...

There you go guys. So so sorry. Love you guys.

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