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Harry's P.O.V.

I wake up and think about the conversation with Carla last night I've arranged for her to come meet me and it's a little surprise for Sophie cos if it wasn't for her I wouldn't know Carla. I get out of bed and get dressed. I look out the window. It looks like we're at a hotel. I look around. No ones in here. 'Guys?'I ask. 'They're in the hotel.'A voice says. I turn around to see Sophie. 'Oh well what are you still doing here?'I ask. 'I woke up and they were leaving so I said I'd wait for you.' She says. I nod 'Thanks.' 'No problem. Wanna head in?'She asks. 'Yeah sure.' I say. We head inside even though fans try swarming us. 'Why were you two in there alone?'A girl asks. 'Cos we were!' Sophie says. 'Harry's mine!'The girl says latching onto me. I look at Sophie for a bit of help. 'Actually he has a girlfriend!'Sophie says. 'Don't tell me it's you?!'The girl asks. 'No! It's my best friend Carla and I'm dating Niall!' Sophie says. 'Niall's mine!'Another girl says. 'Oh no he's not!'Sophie shouts. 'Oh yes he is!'The girl shouts. 'Want me to give you a big o'l punch in the face?'Sophie shouts. 'Go on then I dare you!'The girl shouts. Sophie lifts her fist and punches her. The girl latching onto me turn and hits Sophie. Then the girl she punched, hit her too. 'Girls!'I say. 'Stay out of this curly!' Sophie shouts. All 3 girls start punching and kicking each other while everyone else shouts 'Fight!Fight!Fight!'Over and over. I try and pull Sophie away but she's too strong. I get pushed back by fans.A few other girls start hitting Sophie too and I can't get to her. 'Sophie!'I shout. Soon enough there's about 10 girls punching Sophie and one drags her to the ground and the rest kick her. 'HEY!'I shout. Everyone looks at me. 'Leave Sophie ALONE!' I shout. 'Step BACK!' They all step back. Sophie's lying helpless on the ground. Her lip is burst and she's got a few bruises already. 'Sophie.'I say, falling to her side. 'Look what you've done to her! I'm not happy with you guys and Niall won't be either and when Paul finds out he'll be madder than me and Niall put together!'I say. 'Sophie? Sophie can you hear me?'I ask her. She just stares about. 'Sophie please talk to me.'I say. Suddenly Paul and the boys pile onto the street. When Niall sees Sophie, he just stands there, frozen, staring at her. 'Sophie!'Paul says, rushing to her side. 'Harry, what happened?'Paul asks. 'Well, one of the girls was asking why we were in there alone and Sophie said cos we were and then the girl was going on about being my girlfriend and Sophie told her about Carla then told them she was going out with Niall and another girl tried telling her Niall was hers and Sophie punched her but not that hard and then she punched her back and the other girl starting punching her too about 10 girls were punching her and one pulled her to the ground and the rest kicked her and punched her.'I explain. 'Your fans did this?'He asks. I nod. 'Some fans they are!'He says. Niall's still frozen. The boys just stand there not knowing what to do. 'I gotta get her to the hospital.'Paul says. 'I'll call an ambulance!'Liam says. He grabs his phone and dials for an ambulance. Paul holds Sophie tightly. After about 10 minutes the ambulance arrives. Niall suddenly unfreezes and dashes to her side. 'C-Can I come...with you?'He asks. 'I think you'd better stay here.'Paul says. 'Please Paul I need to know she's gonna be okay.' Niall pleads. 'Harry'll come with me and he'll text you.'Paul says. Me and Paul get in the ambulance with Sophie. 'How could you let this happen?'Paul asks. 'I tried to get to her but the fans pushed me back. I couldn't move so I just shouted but by then it was too late. I'm sorry Paul.'I say. We arrive at the hospital and Sophie's reeled into a room. Me and Paul follow. 'You're her dad?'A doctor asks. 'Yeah.'Paul says. 'Harry was there so I want him here.' Paul says. The doctor just nods. I tell him what happened. 'Those fans girls certainly are something.'Paul says. The doctors do a load of tests on her. I get a text from Niall. 'How is she?' I reply. 'They're doing a load of tests on her.' I get no reply back. Me and Paul are standing watching when we suddenly hear a heart monitor increase. It's Sophie's..... 'Sophie!'Paul says, dashing to her side. 'I'm sorry sir you have to leave.'The doctor says. I pull Paul out the room. He sits, head in hands. 'If she dies, its on those bloody fans heads!'He says, looking at me sternly before putting his head back in his hands. I call Niall. 'Harry? Is everything alright? What's wrong?' He asks. 'Well her heart monitor started increasing and we were sent out the room so we need to wait.' I say. 'Oh god, oh god, oh god!'He says. I hear Liam in the back ground. 'Niall, Niall, Niall, calm down, Niall!'He says. Zayn comes on the phone. 'Sorry Harry, Nialls going mental. He's chucking stuff about.'He says. 'I'm gonna go, I'll keep you posted.'I say and hang up. We sit for a few hours. The doctor comes out. Me and Paul jump from our seats. 'I regret to inform you that we don't think she's gonna make it.Her injuries are quite severe. She'd need a miracle to survive.'He says. 'What?'Paul's voice croaks. I get a call from Zayn. 'Harry, Niall's trying to come to the hospital.' He says. 'Keep him far away from here! ' I say, my own voice breaking now. 'Harry? What's happened?' Zayn asks. 'They don't think she's gonna make it.'I say, beginning to cry. 'What?' Zayn says, his own voice cracking too. 'Yeah.I'm gonna go, keep Niall far away.'I say and hang up. The tears start falling down my cheeks. I sit down and start crying, pretty hard. Paul comes and sits beside me. 'Come on Harry, lets not be sad, let's pray, Sophie's a fighter, she'll be okay, she'll live.'He says.I can tell he's trying to hide the tears. We go in and sit by her bed side. I hold one hand, Paul holds the other. We just sit in silence. Her heart beats nice and slow. I look out to the lobby and see the boys had arrived. I tell Paul. He invites them in. Niall stands by the edge of her bed. Zayn, Louis and Liam behind him. I notice he's staring at all her cuts and bruises. I can see the pain in his eyes. Suddenly I notice Sophie's heart monitor slowing right down. 'Paul!'I say. He looks up at the heart monitor. 'No! No!No!'Niall shouts. Zayn and Louis pull him back. 'No! Paul you said she'd be okay!'I say. 'I thought she would be!' Paul says. Niall starts struggling. Liam goes for a doctor. I squeeze Sophie's hand tight. Her heart beat slows right down. I can see Liam coming with the doctor. As he steps through the door all I hear is a loud beep.......Sophie's flatline......The doctor rushes over to her. I break down in tears and drop to my knees. I watch as everyone moves around. Everything seems like it's in slow motion. Zayn and Louis pull Niall out the room. Liam comes over to me. He knees beside me. We sit there for awhile. The doctor smiles down at me. That's all I remember before it goes dark......

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