The Truth Comes Out Part Two

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The next day, Dani and Liam took James and Ellie and Louis took Cayden and Darcy. Leah knew something wasn't right but she waited till we were all seated and ready to explain. 'Guys what's going on?' She asks. I take a deep breath and Niall squeezes my hand. Niall and I are sitting at one end of the couch, Harry at the other and Leah on the chair next to Harry. 'We need to talk Leah.' Harry starts. 'Okay? You're scaring me.' 'You're not gonna like what we have to say but we need to tell you.' 'Harry.' I squeeze Niall's hand tighter. 'Remember about a month ago, when Sophie and I flew to L.A. to get drunk?' He asks. 'Yeah and when you's came home, Sophie came off the drink.' 'Yeah but something happened that made her make that decision.' Leah looks at me. Niall rubs his thumb over mine as the tears fill my eyes. 'Sophie?' She asks. 'We kissed.' I mutter. 'What? I didn't catch that.' She says. I take a deep breath. 'I kissed Harry....' Leah's eyes widen and her mouth drops open. She closes her eyes then her mouth. 'I knew it. That's why you've been acting strangely.' She says. I nod as the tears drip. 'There's more.' Niall says. 'Oh god.' Leah says and looks to Harry. 'Did you sleep with her the other night? Is that what you were doing?' My eyes widen. 'You knew we were in the kitchen together?' I ask. 'Yeah I knew.' 'No we didn't sleep together. We never have. I need you to know that. I told her I wanted to but she said no.' Harry explains. 'That's why you wouldn't sleep with me? Because you wanted to sleep with her?' Leah asks. Harry nods sheepishly. 'We kissed earlier that day....' Harry trails off. 'In our house?' Leah asks. Harry nods. 'Where?' She asks. 'The twins closet.' He says. 'I knew you guys were in there! Where did you hide?' Leah asks. 'Top shelves. They've got so much room!' I explain. 'We're getting side tracked here.' Niall points out. 'He's right.' Harry agrees. 'Niall invited me over last night after Sophie told him. They are going to work through this. They're taking James away for a few days to bond and then they're going to try couples therapy and I think we should do the same if you want to try to make this work.' Harry explains. 'Just couples therapy?' Leah asks. 'Yeah. Why?' Harry asks. 'I think we need group therapy.' Leah says. Niall, Harry and I sit shocked at Leah's revelation. 'You want to try and make this work?' Harry asks, shocked. 'Yes. Harry I am devastated about what you've done especially when I've given you everything, but I love you. You stood by me even when I was told I couldn't have kids...So what kind of wife would I be if I didn't stand by you when you kissed our best friend?' 'Woah, woah, woah. That's totally different!' Harry points out. 'Why aren't you mad at me? Why aren't you yelling at me?' He asks. Uh oh. Both Niall and I's eyes widen. Leah looks surprised at Harry. 'Oh I am furious with you but I love you and you're the father of my children.' 'Leah, you can't be this calm! You've not even cried!' Harry points out. 'You want me to yell at you? No problem Harry.' She stands up and Niall and I look at each, scared for what's about to happen. 'You screwed up Harry! Not just once but twice! You fucked up! You've completely broken my heart, my trust, our marriage and also my friendship with Sophie! Which is also her own fault. We are married with two freaking kids and you kissed our best friend! You told her you wanted to have sex with her! You freaking cheated on me and you're an ass! I want to say I hate you but I don't! I hate what you done but I'm an idiot that loves you!' 'You're not the idiot, I am.' Harry says. 'And me.' I point out. 'Don't interrupt me! I'm not done!' Leah continues yelling at Harry for 10 minutes before taking a deep breath before bursting into tears. Harry instantly jumps up and pulls her into his arms. The pair cry together. She then opens her eyes and they land on me. 'And you.' She says as she pulls away from Harry. 'I want to scream at you. I want to call you for all the names under the sun. I want to hate you.....but I can't....Because I know how lucky I am to have Harry....He's amazing, handsome, caring, kind...funny....he's perfect so I can't be mad at you. Not when you had feelings for him long before he even met me. You're one of my best friends and I love you but it's going to take me a long time to trust either of you again.' I nod in understanding. 'Go away for a few days, Harry and I will do the same. Maybe Disneyland Paris and Florida. Away from each other, no contact. Then come back and book a group therapy session. We'll sit together with a mediator and talk it all out.' 'I love you Leah and I am so so sorry.' I plead and stand up, pulling her in for a hug. She hugs me back tightly. She then hugs Harry again. 'Thank you for telling me fairly quickly.' Leah says. We all group hug before Niall and I leave. I take a deep breath and pull Niall into a tight hug on the path then kiss him passionately. 'I love you. I love you so much, Niall James Horan.' 'I love you too Mrs Horan.' I smile and kiss him again. We return home and book a trip to Disneyland Paris. Harry texts Niall to say they've booked Florida.We have a week in Disneyland but instead of returning home to England....Niall and I talked and we're going home Ireland. Niall has a holiday home out there for us so we're going to stay there for a few extra days.......However I don't want to return home. I want to stay in Ireland but Niall convinces me to return to England. We arrive back in Manchester and a few days later, we go to a 3 hour long group therapy session and work a lot out. We decide to tell the rest of the band. We invite them all over to Niall and I's house as we have a large garden. A few hours into the party, the kids are inside watching a movie and all adults are outside out of earshot. 'Guys, we need to talk.' Harry announces. 'So Dani and Liam already know this but the rest of you don't.' I start. 'About 6 weeks, Sophie and I were in L.A. drinking.' 'And I came home that weekend and stopped the excessive drinking. That's because I had a bit of a reality check.' There's a bit of a silence. 'You're probably not gonna like what's about to be said.' Niall says. 'But Niall and I want you to know, we're okay with this.' Leah says. 'Oh god, you're not doing wife swap are ya?' Louis asks. We all gasp as the rest of them laugh. We then join in the laughter. 'No, not quite......I kissed Harry.' I announce and everyone stops laughing. 'You what?' Perrie asks. 'I kissed Harry and he kissed back. And we tried to forget it happened but we couldn't.' 'And at the big sleepover 2 weeks ago, we kissed again.' Everyone gasps except Dani and Liam as they knew this. 'And I told her I wanted to sleep with her but I want you to all know nothing happened.' 'Oh something bloody happened mate!' Louis points out. 'Yes we kissed but it never went any further.' 'It could have if Sophie didn't have some bloody sense unlike you!' Perrie says. I take a deep breath. 'Guys, don't just blame Harry. We are both to blame. I kissed him the first time and then second time it was mutual but we stopped both the kisses before anything happened.' I explain. After some discussing, the group calmed down. 'But I hope we can all move past this.' Leah says as her and Harry wrap an arm around each other. 'Speaking of moving, there's something Sophie and I need to talk to you all about.' Harry and Leah look at us surprised. 'So as you's know, when we left Disneyland, we went straight to Ireland for a few days and I almost didn't come back but Niall convinced me too.' 'Actually babe, we should get all the kids out here too.' Niall says. I agree and we get all the kids out with us. I lift James up into my arms. 'Niall and I were talking. And we've made a decision.' I start. 'And you're not gonna like it, especially the kids but this is something we need to do....for us.' Everyone looks at Niall and I expectantly after he says this. I take a deep breath and take Niall's hand whilst holding James. 'We're moving back to Ireland.' Everyone gasps. The kids start crying and protesting but their parents calm them down. 'No! You can't go!' Leah cries. 'I'm sorry Leah. We have to.' I explain as the tears roll. Everyone starts to protest....except Dani. 'Dani?' I call and she looks up at me as tears drip. 'We tell each other everything but you didn't tell me this? How could you not tell me?' She asks. 'I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you on your own, I had to wait to tell everyone together.' 'We're best friends Sophie. How could you not tell me something is big?' Dani asks. 'I just couldn't okay? Look I'm so sorry....for everything.' I hand James to Niall and turn, walking into the house as the tears flow. I rush up to my room and lay on the bed crying. I've messed everything up. As a result of my upset, I make the decision to leave.....without Niall.........and James....My baby boy....I'll miss him so much.....The tears flow more as I pack a bag. When I hear footsteps on the stairs, I throw it under the bed. The door opens to Dani and Niall with James. Dani hugs me and tells me it's going to be okay then Niall does the same. I hug James close and have awhile alone with him. Niall come back after about half an hour to take James for a bottle. I scribble down a note for him, for James when he's older and one of everyone. I leave them sitting on the bed and grab my bag, passport, phone and purse. I make sure everyone is in the garden before walking down stairs and out the front door. I get in my car and drive to the nearest bank and take out a few thousand pound. I then head to the airport, purchase a ticket and board my flight. As I switch my phone off, I notice 6 missed calls from Niall and 2 texts as well as 4 texts from Dani and a missed call and finally 2 texts and a miss call from Leah. I take a deep breath and rest into the seat. I'm in a private seat, secluded in first class. Ireland, I'm coming.

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