You're All I Think About But It's Over

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Sophie's P.O.V.

I arrive home, my little brother and sister floor me. I hug them and just go to my room. I flop onto my bed. A few minutes later my mom walks in. 'Hey Soph!'She says. 'Hi.'I say. 'What's wrong darling?'She asks. 'I just miss Niall, I didn't wanna leave but I had to cos of my health!'I say, beginning to cry. She rubs my back. 'I know, it's hard.' She says. 'I finally go on tour with dad and I have to leave!' I say. Mom leaves, letting me be alone. All night long I don't move I just think of Niall. I lay in bed for a week not moving except to go to the bathroom. My mom would bring me food but I wouldn't eat it. Niall keeps calling me but I just don't know what to say to him. Finally I answer him, knowing what I'm gonna say. 'Sophie, why haven't you been answering me for an entire week, Paul told me that your mom says you lay in bed all day and don't eat! Why won't you eat?'He fires questions at me. 'Niall, I didn't answer cos I didn't know what to say to you but now I do!'I say. 'Um okay?'Niall asks, clearly confused. 'Niall, I can't bare this any longer, I can't do this. You're all I think about but we have to end this, we have to end us, we need to move on in life, we have to stay apart and never speak ever again! I'm sorry now goodbye!'I say, hanging up. I just curl up in a ball and cry. I cry and scream all night long. I end up crying myself to sleep. I sleep and sleep and sleep. I don't know how long I sleep for but it felt like weeks.....and I was right. I wake up in a hospital room. I look around adjusting to my surroundings. I'm hooked up to a machine of some sort and I have tubes coming out of my nose and a needle in my arm. A doctor walks into the room. 'Oh hello Miss Higgins! You're awake! How'd you feel?'He asks. 'I've felt better but what am I doing here?'I ask, very confused. 'You've been in a coma.' The doctor says. My eyes widen. 'What? For how long?'I ask. '6 weeks.' The doctor says. '6 weeks?!?!?' I ask. 'Yes. You were depressed and your body couldn't take the pain and upset you were feeling and just shut down. But we've kept you here since you went under. Your mother went to wake you one morning after she'd heard you screaming and crying the night before and couldn't wake you, she couldn't find a pulse or anything. She brought you in and we found you had slipped into a coma in your sleep.' The doctor explains. 'I feel very tired considering I've been in a coma for 6 weeks!'I say. The doctor lets out a slight chuckle. 'I bet you are!' He says. 'Well I'm just gonna check you and then you can sleep!' I smile slightly, sitting up. The doctor checks me over. 'Well your heartbeat is slightly off which is expected so I want to keep an eye on that. Otherwise you seem alright.' The doctor says. I nod my head. 'Why's my heartbeat off though?' I ask. 'You practically went into a coma because of a broken heart! You cried so much over Niall that you hurt some of your heart strings.' He explains. 'Oh' I say. 'Well, get some rest. I'll see you later.' At that he leaves. I drift off to sleep.

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