Forever? Or not?

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Sophie's P.O.V.

I arrive home after spending time with my friend Jessie. I went to school with her but haven't seen her in several years. I've been spending a lot of time with her lately, which to Niall's dislike. I place my keys on the table near the door and take off my jacket. I walk into the kitchen and take the orange juice from the fridge as well as a glass from the cupboard. As I pour the juice, I hear heavy footsteps, making their way down the stairs and towards the kitchen. Soon enough Niall walks in. I take a small drink from my glass as he watches me. 'Where were you?' He asks. 'With my friend Jessie.' I say. 'You seem to spend a lot of time with her lately.' Niall says. 'Well I haven't seen her since I graduated.' I say. 'Was there anyone else there?' He asks. I roll my eyes. 'Yes there was.' I say. 'Who?' 'Her brother.' I say. I see his jaw clench. 'No biggie Niall, we were only watching movies.' I say, putting my glass in the sink. Niall doesn't say anything. I put the orange juice back in the fridge and walk out the kitchen. Niall is quick to follow. I sit on the couch grabbing the remote and turning on CSI. Niall sits beside me watching too. I notice his jaw is still clenched. 'Niall, we were only watching films.' I say. He ignores me. 'He has a girlfriend anyways so no need to get jealous.' I say. 'I'm not jealous.' He says, eyes not leaving the screen. 'Whatever.' I say. After about 4 episodes of CSI, Jessie texts me.

~Me and Josh having party tomorrow night, you game?~

~Sure when does it start?~

~Around 7~

~Okay I'll be there around 8 then~

~Sweet see ya then girl xx~

I turn my head back to the screen. 'Who were you texting?' Niall asks, jaw clenching again. 'Jessie.' I say. 'I take it she wants to hang out again tomorrow.' Niall says. 'Yeah, she's throwing a party.' I say. Niall's jaw clenches more. 'I'm hungry, you want anything?' I ask, standing up. 'I don't mind.' He says. I walk into the kitchen, pulling out pasta. I cook up the pasta then grab the sauce and make that. Finally once it's ready, I serve the pasta up into 2 bowls and pour on the sauce. I grab 2 forks and take the bowls into Niall. 'Here you go.' I say, handing him a bowl. 'Thanks.' He says, looking up at me. I give him a small smile before sitting down and eating.


After dinner, I wash up the bowls and head upstairs. I grab my laptop and scroll through twitter. Niall joins me minutes later grabbing his laptop too. After around an hour I put my laptop away and play candy crush on my phone. Niall soon puts his laptop away too. I get up, plugging my phone into charge and then lying back beside Niall. He wraps his arm around me and I snuggle up to him. 'You know I love you, right?' He asks. 'Of course, I love you too.' After awhile of talking about random things it's 8pm. 'Wanna watch a movie?' I ask. Niall nods. I put on Grown-ups and cuddle right into Niall. After Grown-ups, I fall asleep curled up next to Niall.


Next Morning

I wake up at 8am and get up and make breakfast. After a bowl of cornflakes, I throw on some clothes and text Jessie.

~Wanna hang for a bit? x~

~Sure, pick u up in 5 x~

~Cool x~

~Can Josh come too? x~

~Sure, I enjoy his company x~

5 minutes later, Jessie and Josh turn up. I head out the door, grabbing my jacket and my keys. I sit in the back seat, since Josh is driving and Jessie is beside him. We turn on the radio, blaring it loudly, driving around town for awhile. We then stop a thrift store. We go in and look around. Josh spots some crazy hats. We mess around with then taking selfies. After Josh buys us one each, we then drive off again. I sit in the back with my cowboy hat on while Josh drives with his sombrero on and Jessie sits beside him with her bowlers hat on. We head to the centre of London and walk around with our weird hats on. After awhile we realize it's 1pm. We grab lunch from Nando's and then go to Walmart. We buy snacks and stuff as well as some beer, well Josh buys it. I bought lunch, Jessie bought the party snacks and Josh bought the beer since he's 25 and we're 20. We then head back to Jessie's and set up for the party. We then have dinner then get ready. I borrow a blue strapless dress from Jessie and heels to match. Jessie wears a purple dress that reaches mid-thigh. We walk downstairs to find Josh in black skinny jeans, a white button down shirt with the top 3 buttons out and black dress shoes. 'Nice Josh, you're gonna be breaking hearts tonight!' Jessie says. Me and Josh laugh. The party starts and around an hour in, we're all getting kinda tipsy.

Niall's P.O.V.

I wake up around 9am to find Sophie not in the house. She's probably with Jessie. I text her anyways. I wait till 12pm and don't get a reply. I text her a few more times till at 1pm I phone her. No answer. I call the boys to see if they've heard from her. None of them have. I start to worry. I phone the girls but they don't now either. I phone her a few more times and get no answer. I sit till 9pm and she's not home. I think back to last night. She said Jessie was having a party tonight. Looks like I'm going to Jessie's....


Sophie's P.O.V.

It gets to around 9pm, I'm not sure though cos I'm rather drunk. Josh comes up to me and we start dancing. A little while of dancing and Josh presses his chest against my back, dancing wildly. I'm so drunk, I'm not caring. After a bit longer, I hear a deep Irish voice I know too well...


Niall's P.O.V.

I arrive at Jessie's house and the place is packed. I look through the house and can't find Sophie. I find Jessie though. 'Jessie, where's Sophie?' I ask. 'In the living room with Josh.' Jessie replies. I instantly feel the anger spreading through me. I make my way to the living room. I look across the room and see her, dancing wildly with Josh. I go up to them. 'Sophie!' I shout over the music. Sophie stops dancing and turns to me. 'Niall?!?!' She asks. 'What're you doing here?' 'I could ask you the same!' 'I'm having fun!' 'Yeah with him!' I spit, referring to Josh. 'Him has a name!' Sophie says. 'Which I don't care about!' I say. Sophie rolls her eyes. 'Come on Sophie, let's go outside!' Josh says to her, grabbing her arm. 'I don't think so!' I say. 'Oh come on Niall, I'm only having a bit of fun!' Sophie says. I can tell she's drunk but I honestly couldn't care less, I just wanna get her home and talk. After a few minutes of arguing, Josh pulls Sophie into his arms, dragging her off. I spin him round by the shoulder. I shove his drunk state back pulling Sophie from him. 'Listen mate, the lady wants to be with me not you! She said so herself!' Josh says. I tighten my grip on Sophie, looking down at her with my jaw clenched. 'No I didn't!' Sophie says. 'Shut up, no one asked you!' Josh says. 'How about you shut up and leave us alone?' I ask, more of a statement. Josh rolls his eyes and I pull Sophie through the house and out to the car. The car ride is silent. 'Niall, geez slow down would ya?' Sophie asks. I don't say anything just tighten my grip on the steering wheel. As soon as we're home, I rush in, slamming the door, before Sophie's even out the car. A few minutes later she walks in. As soon as she's in the door, she starts screaming at me for making a deal out of nothing and for being jealous. I shout back saying that she was dancing too close to him and she always spends time with him. After nearly an hour of yelling, Sophie yells, 'Maybe if you weren't so jealous, this relationship might work!' 'It's not just me being jealous, it's also that you go out and let guys flirt with you!' I yell. 'You know what? I'm not in the mood for this any more!' She yells. 'Me either!' I yell. 'And I'm not in the mood for this relationship any more!' Sophie yells. I look at her. Sophie turns on her heels, storming upstairs and slamming the bedroom door. I lay on the couch, knowing I'm sleeping here tonight. After awhile the house is quiet and I fall asleep.


Sophie's P.O.V.

I wake the next morning with sore eyes. I get up and look in the mirror. My face is pale but my eyes are red and puffy. After I basically dumped Niall, I had to leave the room to stop him seeing the tears. I'm the idiot! I need to apologize. When I first came upstairs I put on pajamas even though I'm rather cold. I need my Nialler. I rush down the stairs to see Niall sleeping on the couch. I can feel the tears running down my face. I walk to the couch and crouch in front of Niall. I gently shake him to wake him. 'Niall? Please wake up, I need you.' I say, through tears. Niall soon wakes. As soon as his eyes adjust they fall on me. He instantly pulls me close. 'Hey hey baby, it's alright, shhh, I'm here.' Niall calms me. I climb up onto the couch, into his arms. 'I'm sorry!' I choke out. 'Hey, shhh, I know, I'm sorry too baby.' Niall says. He whispers sweet nothing's in my ear till I'm calm. I cling tightly to Niall who does the same. 'I didn't mean what I said, I was an idiot, I love you, I don't wanna break up!' I say. Niall pulls me closer, if possible. 'I know angel, I love you too and I ain't going anywhere!' Niall says. We lay together for good while just enjoining each others company. 'Baby?' Niall asks. 'Yeah?' I ask. He sits up, me on his lap. 'I wanna ask you something.' He says. I nod. He slides me off his lap. 'Baby, no matter what, I love you forever and can't wait to spend forever with you and have our gorgeous little children running around!' I giggle and nod. 'And I wanna make that day come faster. Will you marry me?' Niall asks, getting on one knee pulling out a ring. I nod pulling him in tightly before accepting the ring. Forever it is.

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