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Sophie's P.O.V.

I felt so hurt at what Harry said. I go out the back of the arena there's like a small alley that's bricked off at an end.I sit in the bricked off bit and cry. I clutch my Harry book and then throw it at the wall.I grab a loose brick and start hitting the book,wrecking all my hard work.I kick it around and tear up pictures and tissue paper and sit looking at the scattered pieces. Suddenly I hear footsteps.Its my dad. 'Sophie?What happened?'He asks. He stands me up and he has to hold me up cos I would've fell back down other wise cos my legs are like jelly as I'm crying so hard. I hear several footsteps approach.Its all the boys.I see Harry tucked away at the back, looking at the torn scrapbook. I pull away from my dad and back into the wall. 'Sophie? Sophie? Soph?'My dad says trying to get me to calm down. ' WANNA GO HOME!!!!!'I scream. The boys look about at each other then at Harry. I feel a hand on my chin.My chin is pulled up by Niall.I look into his eyes and I suddenly feel like kissing him.He pulls me up and hugs me tightly.I feel all warm again.My feet are suddenly no longer on the ground.I stop crying and embrace Niall's warmth.As we pass Harry, he says'I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that I'm really sorry.'I cried so hard that I feel really tired but all I remember is Harry saying sorry then it all went black.......

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