I can't be

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Sophie's P.O.V.
I've avoided Harry and Leah for 2 weeks. I've also avoided Niall. Let me just tell you what happened after the hospital.
So after I ran out of the room, I got to my car and strapped James in. I drove home and rushed up to my room. I placed James in the middle of the double bed and grabbed my suitcase from underneath the bed and open it. I throw in a whole bunch of my clothes. Tears roll down my face. I can't be feeling this way. I am happily married with a baby boy. Harry is married to Leah with twins who are my godchildren. Ugh! I hate myself right now. I'm going to stay with my dad for awhile. He's in Ireland now with my mom and my younger siblings. I finish packing my clothes and go to grab my phone. 6 missed calls from Niall. 2 from Harry. 3 texts from Niall and 1 text from Harry. I ignore them all and call my dad. 'Hey sweetheart. Is everything alright?' He asks. 'Can I come home for awhile?' I ask. 'Of course you can but what's wrong?' 'My head is all over the place and I need time to think.' I explain. My dad agrees I can come and he'll have a crib set up for James in my old room. I hang up and lift James into my arms. I carry him through to his room and place him on his play mat. I grab his travel bag and rush around packing his clothes and toys. When booking my tickets I had to inform them I was bringing a 9 month old baby with a car seat. I call a cab and its arrives soon after. I sit in the back with James and soon we arrive at the airport. I head through towards my gate. I board the plane with my baby boy and begin my journey to Ireland.
So yeah here I am, 2 weeks later. Niall tried to come out and see me but I told him I needed time with my parents and my siblings. I know he misses me and James but I needed time away. Harry wants me to come home soon so I can bond with my godchildren but I just...can't. I know I've been here 2 weeks already but I just can't go home yet. The house phone rings out again. I sit staring at the TV in the living room with a cup of coffee in my hand. The phone stops ringing and my dad comes through a few seconds later. 'It's Niall. Again.' He whispers. I shake my head. My dad sighs and lifts the phone up. 'Sorry Niall she's in the shower. Yep okay. Bye.' My dad looks at me. 'I know what you're gonna say. It's not fair on him or James. He's missing out on time with his son. And James is missing out on time with his father. But I'm just not ready to face him yet.' I say. I take a drink of my coffee just as my dad speaks. 'You mean you're not ready to face Harry.' I'm shocked at my dad's words and spray my coffee everywhere. I slowly turn to him with a shocked expression. 'What?' I ask. Dad sighs and sits beside me. 'You like Harry. I can see it. That's why you left. You couldn't handle him having Darcy with someone else even if you loved her and them as a couple.' He says. 'How'd you know?' I ask. 'You're my daughter. Well adopted daughter but I have raised you since you were 11.' '12.' '11.' 'Dad, I was 12.' I say. 'You were 11 when we adopted you and a matter of weeks later you turned 12.' He explains. Oh yeah. I chuckle to myself and lean back against the couch. 'Talk to him.' He says. 'I can't.' Suddenly the house phone rings out in my dad's hand. 'Harry.' He says. I hesitate and he answers it. 'Hey Harry. Yeah she's here.' He says. 'Dad!' I say, annoyed. 'Yeah just a sec Harry.' He moves the phone away from his ear. 'No!' I say. 'Yes!' 'No!' 'Yes!' 'No!' 'Yes!' 'I can't!' 'You can!' 'I don't want to talk to him!' I say. 'Sorry Harry.' Dad says. 'You upset him.' He whispers. I feel guilt spread through me so I grab the phone. 'Look Harry I'm sorry I just don't want to talk to anyone. I don't even want to talk to Niall.' I explain. 'What did we do?' He asks. 'It's not what you did. It's what I feel like and I can't feel this way.' I say. 'Do you...do you not love him anymore or something?' He asks. 'Of course I love him! I just...I feel something for someone else that I shouldn't feel and you can't tell him! If you tell him I will be seriously pissed at you!' I snap. 'I...I won't. But can you tell me who?' He asks. 'No! Now go away!' I growl and hang up. I get up and storm up to my room as if I were a teenager again. I flop on to the bed with my pillow. I begin to miss my teenage years and begin crying. I make sure it's muffled by the pillow so not to upset James too much. I quickly get up to see James. I walk over to his crib and see he's not there. I begin freaking out. I run downstairs. 'Dad! Dad! Where's James?! James is gone! He's not in his crib! Where is he?!' I panic. 'Shhh. Shhh. Shhh. Calm down baby girl. Your mum took him to the park. He's fine. He's safe. James is fine.' I let out a breath. 'Sophie, you need a night out.' My dad says. 'I have to look after James.' I say. 'How about a weekend away with the girls?' He asks. 'That sounds amazing.' I say. I then go call Perrie, Dani and Ellie on Skype. 'Hey!' 'Hi!' 'Hey!' They say. 'Help me!' I yelp. 'What's wrong?' Perrie asks. 'I need a weekend with you guys.' I say. 'Well I'm going to L.A. anyways so come join me.' Ellie says. 'That's perfect.' Dani says. We agree to go to Los Angeles for the weekend and get out right drunk and have fun. We are gonna get so hammered, we pass out! This should help me forget about my feelings for Ha...no.no! No! NO! I can't have feelings for Harry! No!

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