6 Months Later

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Harry's P.O.V.
Today's the day. I finally become a daddy but here's the surprise. Leah's having twins! We're having one boy and one girl! We've already picked the names. Darcy Anne Styles and Cayden Desmond 'Dez' Styles. Their middle names are after my parents. I am so grateful for my wonderful wife and now my wonderful kids. I will cherish them forever. I can't wait to watch my kids grow. Leah's water breaks and we go to the hospital. Once she's comfortable, as she can be, I take her hand and kiss it to let her know I'm not going anywhere. 'Ugh it hurts!' She screams. 'I know baby, I know.' I say, soothingly. 'No! You bloody don't! You've never been pregnant! You've never been in labour!' She screams, gripping my hand again. 'Okay I'm sorry!' I say, in pain. The screaming hardly stops. She keeps groaning and moaning in pain. 'Leah! If you don't stop gripping my hand, I'm gonna lose all feeling in it!' I groan out. Leah grips my hand tighter. 'Ugh!' I scream. 'Would Eleanor or Danielle make this better?' I ask. 'Yeah!' She screams. 'Which one?' I ask, getting my phone. 'Ahhhhhhhhh!' She screams. 'All of them will do!' I say. Leah lets go of my hand and I stand up. I call Sophie first. 'Harry?' She asks. 'Get here fast! Leah's water broke! She's in labour and nearly breaking my hand.' I explain. 'Okay! I'm on my way. Hang tight Haz.' Sophie says before hanging up. I then call Danielle. 'Harry? Is everything alright?' She asks. 'Leah is in labour. Can you come to the hospital?' I ask. 'Sure, I'll bring Ellie and Pez. They're here.' Dani says. 'Thanks.' I say. I hang up and turn to Leah. 'They're all coming.' I say. 'Thank you.' She smiles at me. I smile back. 'I love you.' I say. 'I love you too.' Leah says.
A little while later, Sophie arrives. 'I got here as quick as I could.' She smiles. I bring her into a hug. 'Hey.' I say. 'Hey.' She then turns to Leah. 'Hey girl.' Sophie grins. 'Hey.' Leah smiles. I pull up a chair for Sophie which she ignores and sits on Leah's bed. Dani, Ellie and Pez all arrive soon after. They crowd around Leah and have a laugh. I'm pretty much shut out. I let out a yawn of tiredness. Sophie turns to me and walks over to me. She crouches in front of me on the couch. 'Get some sleep. I'll wake you up when it's time.' She says, rubbing my knee. I smile at her then lean back and shut my eyes to get a little sleep.
Sophie's P.O.V.
Once Harry's asleep, me and the girls try to cheer Leah up and it works for a bit then the doctor comes in to check Leah. 'I'll come back in 20 minutes as you're only a few centimetres away from being fully dilated.' The doctor says. Leah nods. 10 minutes later, Leah lets out a scream. 'Oh my god!' She shrieks. 'Woah! What's wrong?' I ask. 'The babies are coming!' She screams. 'Babies?!' Dani, Ellie and Pez all ask in unison. 'Yeah didn't you's know?' I ask. 'No!' The girls scream. 'Harry let slip to Sophie when we found out.' Leah says. 'Okay. Perrie, get the doctor.' I say. Perrie darts off to get him. 'Ellie, get the midwife from next door.' I say. Ellie heads off quickly. 'What should I do?' Dani asks. 'You comfort Leah while I wake up Harry.' I say, sighing. Dani tries to keep Leah calm as she screams. I shake Harry. 'Hazza. It's time. Leah's gonna have the babies.' I say. As soon as Harry hears those words, his eyes shoots open and he stands up. I smile and grabs Leah's hand. She lets out a scream. 'Sophie! The midwifes are all busy!' Ellie says, panicked. The doctor comes in with Perrie. 'She's right. All the midwifes on shift have been called in to an emergency c-section.' He says. 'I'm the only doctor available.' My eyes widen. 'Any of you have any experience in birthing?' The doctor who's name is actually Dr Millar asks. 'Nope.' 'No. 'No.' The three girls say. 'Um I kinda do.' I say. Everyone stares at me wide eyed. 'I took a part time college course in high school on Childcare and one of the sections was Birthing.' I explain. 'That's good enough for me!' The doctor says. 'I've watched every girl in this room give birth if that helps!' Harry says. I laugh at his awkwardness. 'Um yeah. You can help.' Dr Millar says. Danielle and Eleanor take Leah's hands while Perrie tries to comfort her. Me and Harry put on scrubs quickly and stand by the doctor. 'Okay girls. Lift a leg up each and push it back.' Doctor says. Ellie and Dani take a leg each and push it back towards Leah as told. 'Okay now Leah, when you get a contraction, you need to push okay?' The doctor says. Leah nods. 'Don't worry baby. I'm right here.' Harry says. Leah lets out a scream as she pushes. Harry unprepared, leaps back. 'Okay Leah. We need a safe word for your contractions.' I say. 'I don't know!' Leah groans. 'How about baboon? Remember baboon, Harry?' I ask, laughing. Harry laughs too at the memory from the zoo. 'BABOON!' Leah screams and pushes. About 10 seconds later, the doctor tells her to stop. 'Say chameleon when you want Leah to stop pushing!' Harry laughs. I laugh too. Another 10 seconds later, Leah screams. 'BABOON!' Me and Harry laugh as she says it. 'Chameleon!' The doctor says. Leah takes a breath and pauses. This goes on for about 20 minutes. 'I can see the head.' Dr Millar says. 'One of them is crowning!' I say. Leah groans out. 'BABOON!' She pushes again. 'One shoulder.' I say. 'BABOON!' 'Other shoulder.' 'Ugh bloody hell! BABOON!' 'Torso.' I say. 'Keep going baby.' Harry says. 'Perrie get ready.' I say. Her eyes widen but she nods. Perrie puts on some gloves as Leah pushes. 'It's Cayden!' I say, happily. 'Born at 3.16pm.' Perrie says. Harry grins at his son as Dr Millar pulls him up. He and I clamp the umbilical cord then Harry cuts it. 'Well done Haz.' I say. Once Dr Millar gets him to breathe and scream, Perrie holds Cayden for a minute in her hands. Dr Millar checks for Darcy. 'I can't see her head yet but the boy needs me. It's over to you Sophie.' Dr Millar says. A look of panic covers my face. The doctor takes Cayden and places him on Leah for a minute before taking him back to clean him up. 'Sophie come on.' Dr Millar says. 'Leah needs you.' Harry says. 'We can't lose this baby, Sophie.' Doctor says. Harry takes my hand. 'We can do this.' He says. I nod and turn to Leah. 'Are you ready for number 2?' I ask. Leah nods. 'Okay wait for a contraction.' I say. A few seconds later, 'BABOON!'. I inhale and exhale. 'Chameleon.' I say. Leah lets out a breath. 'Come on Sophie.' Harry says. 'BABOON!' A few seconds later I inhale. 'Chameleon.' I say, then exhale. About 10 seconds later. 'BABOON UGH!' I can see the head so I nod to Harry. A few seconds later, I feel better about doing this as Leah encourages me. 'Chameleon!' A few seconds later 'BABOON UGH!'. I pull out a shoulder. Another few seconds 'Chameleon!' The other shoulder. 'Almost there Leah! You're doing so well baby!' Harry encourages. There's about a 20 second rest before Leah really lets go. 'BAAAAAABBBBBOOOOOOONNNN!'
In that scream, I was able to deliver up to the knees. 'CHAAAAMMMEEELEEEOOONNN!' I scream and then deliver the rest of Darcy. I smile and pant for breath. 'Born at 3.24pm.' Perrie says. I place the clamps on the umbilical cord. 'Cut it Harry.' I say. Harry cuts the cord and I lift Darcy up. I gently pat her back and she lets out a small scream before crying. I smile at her before passing her to Leah. After a minute, I lift Darcy while Dr Millar hands Cayden to Leah. Dr Millar takes Darcy from me. 'Good work Sophie. Have you ever considered being a midwife?' He asks them walks over to the cleaning area. I follow. 'I have but I wouldn't be able to handle the deaths.' I say. 'It is a heartbreaking time.' He says. I nod my head. 'You ever lost a family member that way?' Dr Millar asks. 'I have. My baby cousin was still-born.' I say, looking down. Dr Millar smiles sympathetically at me. I help him clean Darcy. I then watch as Harry takes Cayden. 'You like Harry a lot, don't you?' Dr Millar asks, quietly. 'A part of me still loves him even though we are both married with kids now.' I sigh. 'Don't worry. You can love him forever but just look out for your family.' I nod my head. I lift Darcy into my arms. I smile down at her. 'I always dreamed I'd give birth to Darcy.' I say, sadly, tears filling my eyes. Dr Millar rubs my shoulder comfortingly. I walk over to Leah and hand her Darcy. 'Congratulations.' I smile before turning to leave the room. I walk down the hall a bit and stop when I see Niall. 'Baby!' He says, rushing to me. 'Why are you wearing bloody scrubs and gloves?' He asks. 'I had to deliver the twins.' I say. 'Can you help me take them off?' I ask. Niall helps me take off my scrubs then I wash and sanitise my hands. I then go to the waiting area. Chloe and Zoey are playing with Elliot and Tommy. Zayn, Liam and Louis all sit watching them. Zayn has James. I lift him up for a cuddle. 'You look exhausted.' Liam says. 'I just had to deliver twins cause all the midwifes on shift were called to an emergency c-section so yeah.' I say. 'You delivered Harry's twins?' Louis asks. I nod. 'Go Sophie!' Louis says happily. I hand James to Niall. 'Go down and see them. I'm gonna sleep.' I say. They all go down to see Harry, Leah, Cayden and Darcy. I lay on a couch in the empty waiting room. I drift off to sleep. What a long day.
A little while later, I wake up with a blanket over me. I yawn and sit up, stretching out my limbs. I look around and see no one. I get up, grabbing the blanket and walking to Leah's room. I walk in and everyone is smiling and laughing. 'Hey! There's my wife!' Niall says. I flash him a quick smile. 'There you are. Come meet your God children.' Harry says, pulling me into the room. 'What?' I ask. 'You helped deliver my babies. If it wasn't for you, I could've lost my kids. I owe you big time! As a thank you, you are officially Cayden and Darcy's god mother!' Harry explains. I smile wide and hug Hazza. Cayden is then placed in my arms. 'Hello Cayden.' I smile down at him. The little boy I held in my arms yawned and snuggled down in my arms. I cradled him for a few minutes before handing him to Niall. Darcy is then placed into my arms. As soon as she looks up into my hazel eyes with her own green owns. It was as if my heart skipped a beat. As if the whole world stopped as she gazed up at me with a cute grin whilst her little dimples popped out. Just like her father. In that moment, it was as if we were the old two in the world. Darcy giggles at me and smiles lazily as her little eyes begin to shut with sleep. I hum a little lullaby to her and she falls fast asleep. I cradle her for a few minutes longer then suddenly realise everyone is watching me. Harry is grinning at me widely. 'You're a natural.' He says. I smile and place Darcy in her hospital crib. Niall comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I jump a little. 'Hey it's just me baby. It's just me.' He whispers. 'I need some air.' I say and rush out the room, grabbing James from Zayn. Why is this happening? Why am I feeling this way? Ugh! What's wrong with me?! No. No I can't!

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