3. You're worried about your car?

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"You'll see" he said while keeping his eyes on the road. 

The carnival night was indeed a fun night. I just wish I didn't have to ditch my friends for Archie. Especially today, when Jason was FINALLY proposing Sophia. A night to enjoy with our friends before the final exams. I'll have to make it upto my friends. But before that I have to talk to this guy, sitting right by my side, driving so intensely. 

I love Archie alot, no doubt, but I'm tired of him ordering me around like I'm a servant and not his girlfriend. I need to tell him to treat me better. He needs to change this rude attitude of his if he wants me in his life. He needs to let me make my own decisions, and listen to me more than he does now aka zero percent. 

If Chloe Parker wants to make her own decisions, then she will make her own decisions. And No one can stop her from doing that. 

Relationship isn't only about loving each other, it's about respecting each other, knowing each other inside out, respecting each other's boundaries, caring for them, comforting them, and above all not imposing their decisions on the other party. Archie needs to understand this that I won't be cancelling my plans anymore because I want to be with him. He needs to understand that I've got a life that doesn't only revolves around him. That i need to spend my time with people that aren't him. He has to respect my need to be incharge of my own self. 

Okay here we go.....

"You seem quiet, is everything okay?" I placed my hand on this thigh. 


One word answer? That seems off. Try harder Chloe. 

"You sure?" 

"Chloe, did you not hear me the first time? I said I'm okay." 

"Oh okay..... uhm... so.... where are we going?" my curiosity will be the death of me. hehehehe.

"Shut up, for once. I told you you'll see, then why so many questions?" he's getting annoyed. But why? I'm just trying to make a small talk with my boyfriend. Is this wrong? 

That's it, I'm done being treated like shit. I need to stand up for myself. I can't give him my self respect served in a plate, only for him to throw it right under his foot and crush it. 

"You know the least you can do after making me cancel my plans is be nice!" I whispered. 

"I am not being nice? You're the one who keeps acting like an obsessed girlfriend who can't seem to keep herself away from me, or even keep her mouth shut for once! You're always so clingy and annoying Chloe!!!!!" he's shouting...? at me? 

"I've told you a thousand times not to wear that fricking strawberry scent, but you JUST DON'T LISTEN!" he added.

What the frickety fruit? 

"What the heck Archie? I just asked you a simple question about the venue you're taking me to! Is it so wrong of me to ask you such basic questions?" I asked him in slightly raised voice.


I was so shocked with the language and emotions that he reflected that I literally had nothing to say to him so I just sat there and gaped at him. This wasn't the first time he's raised his voice at me but the words...... they broke my heart into a thousand peices. 

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