18. Game on Baby!

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Hello loves, hehe. 


It has been a month since that incident. I'd be lying if I'd say that that evening was not intense. None of us expected Chloe's outburst. She is our daredevil but watching her taking a stand for herself, made me happy and sad at the same time. 

Happy, because she wasn't allowing Archie or Kelly walk over her. And sad because she killed a part of herself yesterday. A part that loved Archie with all its existence. 

She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday night. Sometimes I wonder how things would've turn out if she never met Archie. Anyway, no point dwelling into fantasies that never will be true. Damage has been done. Archie broke that person who spent her days and nights praying from him.

I really wish him the worse. 

For everyone, Chloe's back to normal. But only Mia and I know how many emotions she's still got into herself. Emotions that she'll never express. In a way its good. 

"Well look at you!" Jason entered the room. 


"We are to leave for party at D's? Remember????" 

"Right! I zoned out, sorry. I'll be ready in 5." I said.

Jason sighed and hugged me.

"I know you're worried about Chloe! I am too. But we gotta trust here healing process. Besides, I know Declan won't let her get hurt ever again.

"I really hope so, or else I'll have to break his nose bone."

"And I'll destroy his baby maker!" Mia said leaning against the door. 

"Remind me to never piss you off" Jason told Mia and walked out chuckling. 

"Why aren't you in heap of clothes already?" I asked eyeing her. 


"AHH!!" I heard Chloe crash on the floor along with the heap of clothes I was expecting Mia to carry her with. 

"Why am I the one carrying this around with me?" 

"Because I caught you stealing my freshly baked cookies I made for Declan's party!" 

Chloe sighed, "Well miss, if I may get a release from this punishment now?" 

"Yes please." 

"No wait!" Before she could process what's happening, I quickly grabbed my phone from the bed and clicked a couple photos of her almost drowning in the clothes' pile.

Mia chuckled and Chloe glared. 

"Now let's get ready!" Mia said cheerfully.

*Two hours later*


My parent's threw a party for successful closing of the deal which was led by me. I'd be lying if I'd say I wasn't nervous, but then Ale started talking about his relationship, which made me remember his boyfriend's bestfriend aka my Chloe. The mere thought of her somehow soothed my senses and boom! We closed the deal with maximum profit plus on our terms. 

"I swear if Sophia is gonna take another minute arriving here, I'm gonna get in the car and bring her here myself." Jason whined. 

No lying! I wanna see my girl as well. Why is she taking so long to get ready anyway? She looks great in her pyjamas as well. 

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