Wasn't I worth it? (2)

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Your daily reminder to add the book to your libraries, or not....I can't really tell ya'll what to do. 

Declan's POV

"I what?? Hm? Let me guess, want me back? Only so that you can belittle me, insult me in ways that hurt me more than they already do? Yeah? That's your plan?" Chloe sneered at dingbat.

I tried to contain my girl behind me, to protect her from this jerk. I want to shield her, but the look in her eyes told me that she doesn't needs a shield anymore. She wants support, which she already has. 

" Cat got your tongue Archie?" she came in front of me, so now she was between me and him.

"What are you doing, huh? Why are you even here?" Archie's expressions now started shifting. His grand annoying smile has now disappeared. 

"I'm here because I love you, I missed you babe. Didn't you miss me?" he tried getting close to Chloe. 

"Don't you dare touch me!" she pushed him back.

"You're gonna stop me?" Archie challenged her, and I swear I wanted to break his teeth. 



"I'm not gonna stop you, cause you won't even be thinking about staying anywhere near me after I'm done with you today." she smirked. 


"Archie Wilson, great player who played Chloe Parker, a girl who loved him despite his very degrading insults." she's getting angry, "despite his very crude and sexist comments, she chose to stay quiet for the sake of peace and love in their relationship."

"That was your choice to stay quiet, I NEVER FORCED YOU TO STAY QUIET LIKE AN IDIOT!" he shouted. 

"You're right, yet again, about me being an idiot cause man.... what did I even see in you!" 


I looked at others only to realize that they were as shocked as I were. Guess I ain't the only one who hasn't seen her this angry.

"Get out of this house, right now." Chloe demanded very coolly.

Who is this girl? I just saw her crying a few days back in her room, all alone because she saw his things that reminded of him. 

My mind had tons of questions and confusion, to which my subconscious replied...

She was the Chloe who was broken and ashamed of what she let this d!ckhead do to her, when all she wanted was his love and care, all she got was insults and self doubts. It's probably the actual Chloe that we New Yorkers aren't introduced to, yet.

"And what if we don't?" an ugly blonde hair woman, who was also dressed... inappropriately for the occasion. I'm never the one to judge but who the heck wears shiny purple strapless bra with a mini skirt that shows different shades of pink. She looks like an ugly alien, honestly.

"Well, then you deal with consequences, Kelly. Take your plaything with you out of this house in next 5 seconds." my girl threatened the alien.

"yeah right, you can't do a sh!t Chloe! You're a lo-" 

"If I were you I wouldn't complete that sentence." she cocked her head to one side while looking at she-alien.

I HAVE to admit, that was hot.

"Look at my Chloe, threatening my sex partner" he-alien pulled her cheeks, "in front of me!!" 

The next thing we know is that Chloe snapped his wrists away from her cheeks, pushed him back and slapped him hard. 

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