20. Can I get a plate?

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Chloe's POV

"Why? " I asked him.

"Because I don't trust him." he said plainly.

"Well, you don't know me either." I sat on the counter, " I could be a serial killer for all you know."

"Oh you are a killer" Declan laughed and then slowly stopped, "I can read people, Chloe, and it's pretty easy to tell that the two of you were on two entirely different planes of existence."

"We weren't always like that." I told him, "When we first started going out, it was almost as if it was out of a movie. We were good friends and we talked alot, and he was thoughtful and romantic. He used to make a lot of time for me and apologize when he made a mistake and everything was good. He wasn't the most thoughtful person or anything. I mean, he didn't make any grand gestures, but I guess I disregarded that. It was only after things actually started happening that I learned about his temper. Well, its not like that, but when he gets angry, there's no getting through him. I used to be scared that he would get mad at me, and not because he will hurt me physically or anything, no, But because of the things he said while he was mad, that he'll tell me that I didn't matter and I wasn't worth it."

Declan straightened himself and took a few slow steps towards me. "No one should be telling you that, Chloe. No man should have you doubting whether you're worth it or not. You should know that" he took a strand of hair which was on my face, and tucked it behind my ear, "you deserve all the grand gestures and all of it. And there is no way in hell you should ever believe that you don't matter."

He stood right in front of me, staring down at me convincingly, which for some reason made my heartbeat race. The gaze so intense that I couldn't even move, or maybe I didn't wanted to. I just stared back at him.

"Declan." was the only thing that managed to escape my lips.

He leaned down to me.

He was so close.

Closer and more intimate that any other man other than Archie had been to me in years.

"Can I get a plate?" he asked, softly, staring right at me.


"Pancakes are ready. Can I get a plate?" Declan asked, motioning to the pan with his head.

Realization dawned on me and my cheeks felt hot. "Yeah" I said quickly getting down from the counter, turning around because the plates were in the shelf behind me. I picked it up and turned around so fast that I bumped into Declan and knocked a couple of glasses down the counter, making loud clattering noises.

Declan chuckled.

"What happened"

"Who's here?"

"Tf was that noise about?"

Jason, Sophia, Alejandro and Paul came running in the kitchen.

He laughed hysterically.

"Calm down," he said soothingly, and took the tray out of my hands and I watched as he swiftly shifted pancakes from pan to plate and poured some syrup, before shifting my focus to my friends.

"Declan? What are you doing here?" Alejandro asked him.

"I'm making pancakes" he said casually.

"At this hour?" Jason said, raising an eyebrow.

Sophia elbowed him and motioned to me with her head. Paul and Alejandro then, noticed my presence.

"OHHHHHHHHH" all four of them said in unison. Declan just stood by my side leaning against the counter, smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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