13. You brought her with you?!

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Gentle reminder to save the story to your libraries so ya'll don't miss out on updates.


One hour five minutes went off in a blur. 

We are finally in New York!!!!!!!!! 6Well, still in air, but in NEW YORK'S AIR!!!!!!

"I gotta pee." Paul said. 

"Sir, we're sorry to inform you this but- " the air hostess said, only to be cut short by Paul.

"Sorry sorry. BUT pleeeeeeeeease keep the plane in air for another minute." he literally begged the hostess, while we all laughed our arses off at his attempt to delay the landing cause he needs to pee.

Poor hostess. 

"I'll talk to the pilot. Just a minute, sir." she said and left before we all gave her a pity look cause we all know what's pilot gonna say. 

"Just go pee while she talks to the pilot, man!" Jason told Paul. 

"But what if-" 

"Paul!! Go! PEE! NOW!" Sophia ordered Paul and left, more like ran to the bathroom, but yeah. 

As soon as he left, hostess arrived. She was about to say something, when I cut her off. 

"We know what you're gonna say. And we all apologize for our friend's.... peeing adventures." 

A giggle escaped her from her mouth. 

"Thank you for your kindness." she said suppressing her giggles. 

"Yo, peeing is under-rated. I feel so relieved." there comes our pee-hero!

We all laughed loud, while the hostess tried her best to control her laugh. 

"I request you all to fasten your seat-belts as the flight is preparing for landing now." she said and disappeared.

"Now, if your peeing and shitting is over, shall we get ready to meet your boyfriend?" Jason said.

"OH YEAH! I should do my last minute touch up too. I wanna look perfect for Ale." he said.

"Touch up? You wear makeup?" I asked him, a little shocked. 

"What? No! I meant-" 

"Seatbelt time!" I cut him off.

We all laughed hysterically for the remaining of the flight, while Paul sat, pouting.

*15 minutes later* 

"How do I look! How do I look! HOW DO I LOOK??????" 

Ever since we got off the plane, this pee bag hasn't shut up. 

How do I look? 

Do you think Ale will like these shoes? 

I am hungry. (Well I'm hungry too, but I won't tell him. Why? I don't know, no reason.)

I've missed him so much ( This guy literally FACETIME HIM for 25 hours in a SINGLE DAY!)

Like, someone shut him up for like two minutes, PLEASE!


*60 minutes before the flight lands*

"GET THE FICK READY MAN! WE'RE GONNA GET LATE!" Someone please turn off this alarm clock.

"Ale, chill out man. They literally boarded the flight 30 minutes ago. CHILL OUT." I tried to calm him down.

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