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I lay on my bed blankly staring up at the ceiling going over that perfect night two weeks ago, trying to figure out what I did wrong. He seemed fine the next morning.

My wolf whines at me to go to my mate. He wants to comfort him, but he can't understand why Nai won't let us. Neither could I.

When he refused to see me that night, my heart broke. I tried to beg his mum to tell me what she knew but she refused, saying it was between Nai and me. She had told me to give him time, I didn't want to, but I had no choice.

Nai didn't come to school for two days and I broke even more. My father told me to stay home, he wasn't sure I would be able to control myself.

I roll over and bury my face in my pillows, as my mind goes over that morning.

I'm on cloud nine as I shower quickly, wanting to get back to Nai as soon as I can. However, when I come out of the shower Nai isn't there.

"Nai!" I call out, going downstairs, expecting him to be in the kitchen. He isn't there either.

"Pup!" I call again and again no reply.

A sudden thought has me rushing upstairs, I can't see his bag. It's gone! So are the clothes I had removed last night.

Outside I sniff around, I catch his scent. It leads down the path. My father calls as I race down.

"Dad!" I speak in a panicked voice. I can feel Nai's pain and I'm scared he is hurt.

"What's wrong Asher? What happened?" he asks me.

I tell him about Nai disappearing and he tells me he will drive up to us. I want him in his wolf form, I want to be in wolf form myself so we could track better but I'm worried Nai would freak out if he saw us.

I'm nearing the end of the dirt road when my dad calls me again.

"Dad! Have you found him?" I ask, but dad doesn't answer me.

"Nai, are you ok?" I hear him say.

At first, I'm confused until I hear Nai's voice.

"I'm fine," he says but his voice, something in it, has me frozen. The pain I can hear in it is crippling.

I am vaguely aware of Nai asking Dad to take him home, I'm feeling confused and hurt.

'He left! He doesn't want to come back!' I think to myself which has my wolf howling in pain.

'Why did he run away from us? What did we do wrong?' He kept asking. I wish I had the answers.

He sounded so cold when Dad said my name. I can hear the small cries that I imagine he is trying to stop from falling. I race back to the house and climb into the car.

I race to his house, not caring that I'm speeding. I bang on his door and ring the bell for ages. He ignores me when I try calling him and texting him. I'm still there when his mum comes home.

I explained Nai had left and I didn't know why.

She tells me to wait outside and it almost kills me. I want to force my way in, demand he tells me what I did wrong and then kiss him until he agrees to never leave me again.

I never hated his deafness before, but right then I did. I know they were talking but in sign language. I have no way of knowing what he is saying and it is destroying me.

Angry Wolf and His Deaf MateWhere stories live. Discover now