3- Breaking out

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-Dino POV-

We're breaking him out. I don't care what he said. We're breaking him out. He doesn't deserve to be in jail so we're gonna get him out.

I told everyone who didn't think it was Woolf my plan. It wasn't hard. Almost everyone was talking about it anyway. I knew I couldn't talk to Memegod, Tbh, Socks, Laff, or Oompa about it so I only had to ask Blaza, Joocie, Oof, Nadwe, and Muffin. Blaza thought that Woolf was the most likely suspect so I didn't tell him, but everyone else thought he was innocent. Well except for Muffin. I couldn't find Muffin so I told Nadwe if Muffin thought Woolf was innocent then tell him the plan.

9:15 PM. Alright time to go.

As I was walking to the gulag, I heard a voice.

"Hey Dino. Whatcha up to?" Meme asked.

I stopped. I needed an excuse.

"Oh just going out to the village to see the damage." I lied.

"Ok. I'm heading off to bed." He said.

" 'Night..." I mumbled.

He walked off to his house.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

I sat on my fence. We agreed we wouldn't start until everyone was outside. I saw Joocie and Oof already waiting. We just needed the children. As if on cue they came walking out. We all started walking down to the gulag.

When we got down, I saw someone.

Oh no.

It was Tbh.

He sighed. "I know what you're doing. Now I won't stop you but please think through how mad you're going to make Memegod."

He DID come to break me out!

"Well good because you can't stop us."

Nadwe too? Who else came?

A few seconds later I saw the block in front of me being broken. A minute later and I was free. I saw Joocie, Oof, Nadwe, Muffin, and Dino.

All came to break me out. People actually care and don't think I'm guilty.

"Now what?" Muffin asked.

"We need to let Meme know we are against his decision. We need to steal or destroy something important to him." Dino replied.

Everyone thought for a second.

"His medical degree." We all said simultaneously.

As much as I didn't like this idea, I was mad. I wanted Meme to suffer because he threw me in jail for no reason.

"Anyone know where he keeps it?" I asked.

"His room." Muffin responded immediately.

"Wh- How- Why were you able to answer that that easily?" Oof asked.

"I live in his bathroom sometimes. Of course I know where he keeps his medical degree." Muffin laughed.

We ran up the steps of the gulag to Memegod's house. We all hid while Nadwe knocked on the door. If someone answered we would wait a bit. If no one answered we would go in.

Nobody answered so we broke the door and came in. We climbed up the ladder to Meme's room.

Meme and Tbh were asleep and Muffin was pointing to the side of them where there was an item frame with the medical degree inside. I grabbed it and we ran.

|Quick pause. A picture of the medical degree they stole. (Meme are you mentally ok?) |

We ran to village where we rested in one of the destroyed houses

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We ran to village where we rested in one of the destroyed houses.

"Ok well NOW what? We don't have anywhere to go." Nadwe pointed out.

|Ahem. Sorry for the interruptions but uh.. SILVER COIN FLIP TIME. Because I can't choose either of the bases their both super cool. Heads is forest base, tails is military base. TAILS. Alrighty back to the story :) |

"We could take over the base." Joocie suggested.

"Actually it's bases. Multiple. Blaza had a military base he built that I assume they're using as well." Dino said.

"Any ideas for how and which?" I asked. 

"I say we vote on one, then scout it out, and after that make a plan to take it over." Oof replied.

"Good idea." I said.

"We should choose the military base." Muffin said.

"So which should we choose?" Dino asked.

"I say forest base. We're more familiar with it and we know what's around." Joocie suggested.

"The military base is pretty big, and it had lots of resources." Dino said.

"But with the forest base, we'll have an unlimited source of wood." Nadwe pointed out.


"Military base it is." I said.

"It's 11:30 PM. We should scout now. Nobody will be awake so we can just sneak in, look around, then sneak back out." Dino said.

"Ok." I responded.

Dino and Muffin lead us to the base. It was HUGE. Way bigger than the forest Meme had.

"Here we are." Dino said, once we were outside the front gate.

Dino and Muffin helped everyone get over before Dino helped Muffin get over. Dino and I were the only ones left on this side.

"I-I can help you get over and find a way around to get in." I stuttered.

"No need." He said, crouching down. He put his hands out. "Alright stand on my hands. I'll push you up." 

"But what about you?" I asked.

"I can jump over." He replied.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I've done it multiple times, calm down." Dino sighed.

"Fine.." I mumbled.

I stepped onto his hands, hoping I wasn't too heavy for him. He pushed me up to the wall and I jumped down from there. A second later and he was over too.

We started looking around from there. There were a few "houses" (Idk what else to call them) that had beds, Socks and Blaza sharing a bed in one. When we saw that we all mouthed one thing: "SHIP"

There was a big garage with chests and furnaces. Behind it there was a runway for some sort of plane or something. 

At that point it was about 1:00 AM so we decided to go back to the village and find the least destroyed house and rest there for the night.

| I HATE STATE TESTING >:(. I had to take part 1 of my math test today and I probably completely failed it. I also have to take my LA test tomorrow. I have made a new art book where I will be putting my horrible art. I plan on mostly putting digital art into it but the first/next few ones might be paper because 1. I'm waiting for my stylus to arrive because I lost my old one (It'll be coming thursday) 2. I can't draw digitally after my test and school is usually when I work on most of my drawings. Yes double upload today :) Word count: 1140 |

"I'm NOT a furry" Socksmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now