17- Captured?

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Aight here we go. I'm currently typing this on a school chromebook that's on 2%. This is gonna be POV's of ppl I haven't done much, if at all.

Bold: Me :D (or L4FF/S0cks out of Laff's/Socks's body)

Bold Italics: S0cks or L4ff depending on POV

Italics: Thoughts

OK I'm typing this little part about a day after the computer's died, I'm gonna have some free time in class this week, so I'll be writing in my free time but after Friday, unless this chapter's almost done, no more writing until I can write on my own computer (When I get one)

-Socks/S0cks POV-

"I still can't believe Woolf died.." I spoke, sitting with Laff at his house.

"Youse never know mate, maybe he's still alive. Though, it doesn't seem likely."

"Yeah but.. I saw Dino earlier and.. Well I've never seen him sad until now."

"That's true. He did lose the person closest to him. But what are we gonna do about THEM? It's gettin worse everyday mate."

Why do you need to do something about us?

Because you're a pain in the ass.

Us? No. We're just trying to help.

It would be HELPFUL for you to leave and never come back again.

Well we can't do that.


"Sorry. HE'S being annoying."


One percent....

"Laff how long have you lived with... this?"

"4 months now."

"Does it..?"

"Get worse? Yeah. These days, I's fighting a transformation everyday. I's taking every precaution I can, but it's not workin' anymore."

It was silent for a minute.

"So.. What do you think of Nadwe and Muffin being vampires?" I asked, trying to start a new topic because the old was.. awkward to say the least.

"Well, as much as I's don't like it, they're the ones most likely to stop.. Them. Otherwise I'd being trying everythings in my power to turn them back to humans. I's more of a team Jacob person than team Edward." Laff responded. (Yeah I put a Twilight reference in here. Deal with it)

AYY IT DIED :D. Yeah. Free time.

"Huh." Was all I could bring myself to say.

"But seein' how Meme feels on the subject... Well.. He might cause some trouble."

Oh. Well that's good.

No it isn't.

Why not? If that fake doctor turns them back there's no way we won't be able to destroy everything!

That's exactly why it's bad.

You and I have... very different opinions.

"I feel like giving Meme your gravity gun... wasn't the best idea." I sighed.

"I'm NOT a furry" Socksmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now