24- The Meeting

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Hi hi. It's probably like March or smth. Sorry for not posting earlier, I've been busy. ALRIGHT MUSIC YOU BETTER START PLAYING RIGHT NOW OR ISTG- Hi im fine. Anyway I'm probably 13 now. So. Chapter. Fun. Read. Now. MUSIC. THIS IS YOUR CUE SO I CAN WRITE WITHOUT MY A.D.D DECIDING THIS IS BORING. No? Alright.

TW: Mention of suicide

-Laff/L4FF POV-

Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Keep him in. So's he can'ts get out. If you could see me right now, you'd know I'm frowning. Goods. That means this mights work. Hmm.

L4FF's presence left my mind.

No way! Alright might get some me's time, finally! Maybe he'll even miss the court case...

-Socks/S0CKS POV-

I was worried. This was gonna be my first time in a room full of people who are full of negative emotions.

Think you'll let me out? Not a chance. But will you be able to stop me? Of course.

I felt my mind squish, like something else was trying to fit into it.

Yo S0CKS! C'mon we gotta go! Right, right, sorry! Bye Socks~

Both things left my mind.

Was that-? Both of them? Where- Whatever. Let's just hope they don't get back before the end of the court case.

-Blaza POV-

I was panicking. I had no evidence to prove myself innocent! I just hoped people would come and rescue me from the gulag. I was doomed.

-Nadwe POV-

"WO1FY!! FROGG!!" Muffin yelled. We were walking to the court, everyone else was about 30 feet behind us.

"-will probably strike?" Wo1fy said.

"HEY NADWE AND MUFFIN!" Frogg yelled trying to signal to Wo1fy to shut up. They had a kid who was messing with their crown on top of their head.

"Who's that on your head?" I asked Frogg.

"That's my cousin. Her parents died yesterday so now I look after her." Frogg said.

If you wanna see what she looks like go check my art book, I'm not putting it here. Bc lazy.

"Oh. Can she talk?" Muffin asked.

"Yeah, but she's really shy. She only warmed up to me about an hour ago. And she's still getting used to Wo1fy."

"So how's this case gonna go?" I asked, trying to get back on topic.

"You're all gonna die. Or maybe not! It's gonna go great and you're gonna find out what happened to Wictoria. Or maybe not! Blaza's gonna get found guilty. Or maybe not!" Frogg said, their voice getting higher with every 'or maybe not'.

"Uhm. What's happening?" I asked Wo1fy.

"Someone's blocking their con- vision. We think we've figured it out, but we're not sure yet." Wo1fy responded.

"Can't you go.. Check?" Muffin asked.

"Depends. Do you want our guaranteed help?" Wo1fy said.

"Of course!" I said.

"Then nope." Wo1fy responded.

"Why not?" Woolf asked, running up behind us.

"I mean- If we're right about who it is, it's a suicide mission." Frogg answered.

"I'm NOT a furry" Socksmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now