8- Peace Day

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-Nadwe POV-

"Muffin where are you!?" I asked. I could SEE but there were like a bajillion other bats so I had no idea which was him.

"Just keep flying. I'm behind you." He responded.

"Fine." I said. We were going over to Meme's base to arrange a peace day Woolf did not want. It had been 3 days since the funeral, and for the most part both teams had separated from the other team.

"What's up Meme? Why'd you want to meet here?" I asked. Meme and I were at the wedding hill because he wanted to talk.

"Nadwe I want you home! You shouldn't be associating with Woolf." He responded.

"No. I'm not joining you. Woolf didn't kill Wictoria and since you refuse to believe that, I'm not going with you." I said.

"F-fine. But you're always welcome over and I'll tell everyone not to kill you if you come. And Muffin's allowed too but only if he's with you." Meme replied.

"Fine." I said.

We turned back into humans because I still hadn't told Meme. We walked into the base.

"Hey Tbh!" I said. I waved him over to us.

"Hey. Are you gonna do the plan? The peace day?" He whispered.

"Yeah. That's why we're here." Muffin responded.

Tb, Muffin, and I had planned to create a peace day. According to Tbh, Meme was stressing that we could attack at any moment and was over-analyzing everything. Woolf was stressing a bit but not much. Every time he got really stressed, he and Dino would talk for a few minutes and Woolf came back calmer. And a bit red.

"Cool. Come with me, Meme's in his house." He responded.

We walked to Meme's house. Right before Tb knocked on Meme's door I grabbed his arm. His eyes widened and he looked at me confused.

"Wait. I-I need to tell you something." I said.

"Ok?" He asked.

"Let's back off a bit." I said.

We walked to the side of the house. We still had about 3 hours before the sun rose so we were fine on time.

I looked at Muffin for confirmation I could tell Tbh. He nodded.

"So I need to tell Meme something other than the peace day and I wanna know how he's gonna react. Could I tell you and you guess how he'd react? If I do this you can't tell anyone else." I explained.

"Sure." He said.

"Muffin and I- We're vampires." I rushed. I was scared he would panic. I looked at him. The look in his eyes told me he was shocked.

"I- I honestly don't know. He's been unpredictable lately but I thought I could try. But Nadwe, I don't think he'll take it the way you hope. And I won't tell anyone else." Tbh sighed.

"O-Ok." I replied. I was trying not to cry. I took a deep breath. "Alright, let's go try to make this peace day happen."

We walked back up to the house and Tbh knocked. The door opened.

"Hey Tb. What's up?" He asked. He looked horrible. There were bags under his eyes, his eyes looked dead, his hair was really messy. He saw me and his eyes lit up.

"I'm NOT a furry" Socksmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now