11- Vampires

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There's Cussing

-Meme POV-

"Nadwe?" I asked, getting out of Tbh's lap and running down the hill.

I looked down.

What? He can't run fast enough to hide with how long it's been. He ran off 20 seconds ago, he couldn't completely disappear... And where's Muffin?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Joocie, his head tilted up, eyes following two bats.

No. HE'S NOT A VAMPIRE. HE'S NOT. I'M GOING TO GROUND THAT CHILD FOR- Calm down. Joocie's probably just bored and looking at the bats.

But now that I looked around, Blaza, Oof, Woolf, and Dino also had their eyes on those two bats specifically. And.. Laff and Socks?! And Tbh!?

Am I the only one who doesn't know?! Am I that bad of a father?! No. Oompa isn't looking at them meaning he probably doesn't know, or doesn't care. I'll talk to Nadwe later and confirm to myself he's not a vampire.

"Ok guys! I think we should probably wrap up here." I said, walking to the front.

Everyone started regrouping and walking off. I saw Blaza and Socks walk to the back.

Are they gonna fix the mess they created? And Blaza will come back to our side?

We had all seen Blaza run through our camp crying and Socks came later, also crying. He had asked if we knew what direction Blaza had gone and we lied and said we didn't know. Socks didn't originally want to come to the gameshow but we reminded him that Blaza would probably be there, and he immediately started running to the hill. What I didn't know was that Blaza had gone to Woolf's side. The minute I saw him talking with Joocie and Oof it pissed me off. He can just leave and immediately have new friends.

-Nadwe POV-

Why is everyone staring at us?!

I looked around at everyone. Oompa and Meme were the only ones who weren't staring, and they were the only ones who didn't know. But...


Meme was looking around at everyone else too and occasionally looking right at me

He can't know. Not this soon!

I half waved a wing to Muffin to direct him to come my way. He got what I meant and we flew off. We flew to the base

Later bc I'm lazy

-Still Nadwe POV-

It was 9AM and I still couldn't sleep. At this point everyone knew about Muffin's base so we were kinda just allowed to do whatever we want between both bases. Obviously I spent most of my time in Muffin's base. I had been trying to sleep since 6AM but with no success. I had this lingering feeling in the back of my mind that something was wrong.

But what? How the game show ended? No, I enjoyed insulting Laff. It was calming. Meme looking around then at us?

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I called tiredly.

"Hey Nad." It was Woolf.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm NOT a furry" Socksmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now