21- The Attack

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Hello yes someone's gonna have an anxiety attack so I can look up what I should do if I have another one- So. Also 700 words+ of this is a vent for me :)

TW: Anxiety attack

-Edible Batty Guy POV-

"IT WAS WHO NOW?!" Nadwe yelled.

I just stood there silently in shock. Meme?! Why? How'd he even do that?! BECAUSE I WANNA LEARN. I WILL MAKE LAFF PAY FOR KILLING WO1FY.

"Meme." Frogg said, firmer this time.

"Nad? Do you wanna.. Y'know?"

"I-I uhm uh s-sure. Yeah. I-I wanna talk to him."

Muffin: Alright Meme. Nadwe and I have talked and we think that the three of us need to have a talk. Meet us in the forest in front of the forest base in 30 minutes. Tbh would you come along too to make sure nobody dies?

TbhHonest: Sure. See you three soon.

FatMemeGod: Alright.

Nadwe: 'Dad' if I see one weapon on you, I will kill you on the spot. INCLUDING THE GRAVITY GUN.

Meme did not respond to that.

"Wo1fy. Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock?" Frogg asked.

"What the hell is that." Wo1fy responded.

"More complicated Rock Paper Scissors."

"Uhm. Alright?"

Frogg played lizard. Wo1fy played spock.


"I don't even know what that was for so."

"That means I get to follow Nadwe and Muffin invisible, and you have to stay with the furries in case anything goes wrong."

"WE'RE NOT FURRIES." Dino and Woolf yelled.

"That's not fair in the slightest." Wo1fy complained.

"I'm fully aware. Alright Nadwe, Muffin, let's go."

We went to the base and waited for 10 minutes until Tb arrived.

"So what's all this about? Didn't you guys not want to meet up with Meme?" He asked.

"We didn't. You saw the message right? About Joocie and Oof?" I said. Nadwe seemed a little fragile right now so I did the talking.

"Yeah? What about it?" He asked.

"Well, we talked to Wo1fy and Frogg.."

"Hey." Frogg said, popping in, then disappearing.


"They said if someone disconnects they die. For good."

"You mean.. They're.. Gone?" He choked out.

"Yeah.. They also said Meme did it." I responded.

"No. No he didn't.. There's no way.."

"What's up guys?"

I heard Nadwe stop. Stop breathing, stop blinking, just. Stop. Like he shut down.

Then he was back. He was blinking less than normal but he was blinking.

But his breathing. That was the issue. He was breathing deep breaths. That's okay. The speed was the problem. Everyone was quiet for a minute, so I took the time to count. 15 breaths in 30 seconds. 30 in a minute. Way too much. He also had his arms crossed and was as huddled up as he could be while still standing.

"I'm NOT a furry" Socksmp AUWhere stories live. Discover now