The very beginning.....

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I was walking with my sister, Yui and my papa.I was tightly holding my papa's hand, I knew what they were gonna say.... and I don't like what they call me. Papa let go of my hand, while my sister ran to her friends, but I didn't have any. Papa bent down to my level and kindly said "You have a great day, sweetie!" He gave me a huge hug and a kiss in my forehead. I looked at him and said nervously"I will papa" He smiled softly and went inside his car and drove back home. I slowly turned my head and body around, I gulped and slowly walked into school grounds.

I walked to the nearest picnic table and sat down, and placed my bag next to me. I heard a familiar voice shouting my name, I turned around. My eyes widened. It was Himari Monoma, she has bleach blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and had a huge smirk plastered on her face. She came up to me and said mocking me " well, well, well. Isn't it the weak one!" She grabbed my t-shirt, pulled me up from the bench and shoved me on the ground.

She placed her foot against my chest and said "I'll become the pro-hero just like Ground Zero, Shoto and Deku, I'll be known worldwide!" After she finished the sentence, she looked at me and said "and you won't!" She had a huge smile on her face. Tears started to form in my eyes, I tried to hold back of the feeling to cry. They are wrong!! I will become a pro-hero!

Middle School

I was sitting in class, minding my own business , until a random guy in my class said that they would get excepted into UA to become a pro-hero. My eyes widened and a huge smile spread across my face. I jolted from my chair and shouted with glee " Me too! I want to become a pro-hero just like Ground Zero!" The whole class stared at me blankly, I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest and run off. Himari came up to me and said calmly "really? Do you think that UA will let you in, with a quirk like that?" The whole class started to laugh, I sat back in my chair and placed my head against my desk. Himari said " Awww, you gonna cry?" The class laughed even harder.

I could feel the anger rise up in me, I lifted my head from my desk, wiped away my tears aggressively. I stood up from my chair and punched Himari in the face, she flew to the opposite side of the room!   Making a huge hole in the wall. I shouted from the top of my lungs " I'll show you! I will get into UA and become a
pro-hero! Just you wait BITCH!" The whole class looked at me, but I didn't care.

That was the first part of 'My Hero Academia: The Next Generation' I hope you liked it! Ichika's quirk, if I didn't explain enough in the chapter, is that she can absorb Kinetic (movement) energy which can make her punch,slap and kick much harder than the average human can. Oh, and Yui's quirk is that she can manipulate nature, basically making nature do what she wants them to do.

Well I'll see you next week MHA fans! ✌️✌️

BABY KIRISHIMA!!! OMG!! Isn't this the cutest?!? 😱😱🥰😄😜

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BABY KIRISHIMA!!! OMG!! Isn't this the cutest?!? 😱😱🥰😄😜

BABY KIRISHIMA!!! OMG!! Isn't this the cutest?!? 😱😱🥰😄😜

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It's my bros! 😎😎

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