No one's P.O.V.

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Yui was the first to wake up the next morning, she got herself dressed into some casual clothes a shirt, jeans and a jacket. It was a Saturday, so they could do anything they want. She made her way to the dorms kitchen and decided to make pancakes for the others when they get up. She grabs everything she needs from the kitchen cupboards and begins to make them. A few minutes later, someone else gets up, it's Koruzu. He's also dressed casually. He sits down on a chair and goes on his phone. There is silence between the two since Yui only focused on cooking, and Koruzu just looks up to her now and again.

She finished the first few pancakes, puts them on a plate and slides it to Koruzu, who grabbed some cutlery and begins to eat his breakfast. "Thanks Yui!" Koruzu says. Yui just nods and smiled. Yui then continues to make more pancakes, then Suzu, Ikari and Kami came downstairs also wearing casual clothing. They walked into the kitchen and they all take a seat next to Koruzu. Yui made enough pancakes and placed them all on plates and slid them all to Suzu, Ikari and Kami who also grabbed cutlery and immediately dug into their food.

Yui grabs herself a plate and placed pancakes on the plate and sat next to Kami while eating. Later, a few other class mates come out from their rooms, they all go into the kitchen and grabs something to eat. There was only two plates of pancakes left so they would fight and bicker over who would get the last two plates. Terepoto and Furaito eventually got the last two plates. Whilst the other grabs something else from the kitchen. Later on, they all do their separate ways, grabbed what they need for the journey home. A few students, like Koruzu and Suzu stayed at school to train because their quirks are way too strong and they don't want to destroy their homes.



That is it for today! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have an amazing day/night! Goodbye my mha fans!! ✌️✌️

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