Ichika's P.O.V

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I was walking to my entrance exam, Yui kept on blabbering on about how she will pass and I wouldn't! When she said that, I was so offended!! I prepared for this entrance exam for years, and she decides to say that to my face?! I don't think so. To be honest, I was a little nervous, I kept on thinking, what if I don't get in?! What if they HATE me?! My mind kept on filling up with negative thoughts.

While I was blocking out my sister, I saw my bestie, Kami walking in with her older brother. I ran to her while shouting "Hey, Kami!" She looked at me, and a huge smile plastered on her face. And she shouted back " Oh, hey Suzu!" We both hugged each other. Yui walked in without me while giving me the death stare. I asked " So, how are you?" She answered back "I am good, actually. How are you?" I calmly said " I am good, but just a little nervous that's all" she looked at me, with that 'you'll be okay' look. She gave me a reassuring hug and we both walked inside.

I started my entrance exam. I was punching those robots out of existence! Another came at me and I knocked it's head off with my bare fist! I checked my my points and I was doing great, but I was so nervous that they'll reject me. But Kami kept on saying that I won't get rejected because I have a strong quirk and they can't reject someone like me. That really reassured me, but only a little bit. After I finished my exam, my friend, Kami went afterwards. Her brother was there, with a smile on his face. He was so proud of his little sis! And I don't blame him, she really deserves this since she was a late bloomer with her quirk.

But then I saw the smile fade from his face, I turned my head at once then I saw one of the robots creeping up behind her, and about to hit her! And she doesn't even know! Without thinking, I went towards the robot and punched it into smithereens. Her whole body and head jolted to my way, and gave this really funny shocked expression her face. I chuckled a little bit, she smiled " thanks for saving my butt,Suzu" she gave me a heart warming smile. I answered " yea, no worries" after that we sort of worked together because I knew that she needed my help so she doesn't get attacked from behind. I knew my strategies, I've been training for years, I may or may not have a few tricks up my sleeve.

After Kami's exam, we both walked out together. Talking and joking about shit. Yui texted me, saying that she's walking home with some of her friends. I didn't really care much, as long as she is with someone, I'm fine. Kami's brother, Kaori came running up to us and bear hugged her. " you were awesome out there, Kami!" She smiled " thanks bro!" I looked at them both happily, their relationship was really close and there's no way of breaking the two peas in a pod! I looked at my phone for the time, and my eyes widened " umm, guys sorry to break 'brother, sister bonding' but I really need to go!" They both looked at each other, " ok Suzu! See you at the weekend!" I waved at them and ran all the way back home, hope my dads won't kill me.

Few days later*

I waited and waited, but still no news from UA. I bit my lip in anger. I was so pissed, I wanted to punch a wall but the last time I did that, I got grounded for a month and had to pay for the wall damage. But that was when I was 6 years old! You can't blame a 6 year old for using their quirk in frustration, can't you?! Anyways, I was chilling in my bedroom, wearing my oversized red hoodie and some pyjama shorts. I was scrolling through my text messages, while Yui was training outside with dad. Until my papa shouted from the kitchen " Ichika, there's a letter for you!" When he said that, my eyes lit up. I dropped my phone on my bed, slammed the door open and ran down the stairs, trying not to fall down in the process.

When I rushed into the kitchen, there was a letter on the dining table that was addressed to me! I took it from the table, and I looked at it. And I couldn't believe it! It was from UA!! I jumped up and down in excitement and joy. I ran back up the stairs slammed my bedroom door open and placed my butt on my bed and I snatched my phone. I went on messenger to finally text Kami that I finally got my letter!

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